People who never really bonded with their parents growing up tend to develop these traits later in life

Our relationships with our parents shape us in ways we often don’t fully understand until later in life. When that bond is absent or weak during our formative years, it can lead to distinctive characteristics as we grow older. The relationship, or lack thereof, between you and your parents, affects you in more ways than … Read more

How To Correctly Follow Up After An Interview

A career resolution is exactly what it sounds like: a resolution for your career intended to help you grow into a better professional. At Work It DAILY, we believe that you need to work on your career every day (yes, you do, in fact, need to “work it daily”). So, everyone should make a career … Read more

People who become a better and stronger person as they get older usually display these 7 evening habits

We all know someone who seems to get better with age—not just wiser, but stronger, more resilient, and more at peace with themselves. They’re the kind of people who radiate growth and inspire everyone around them. It’s tempting to think this transformation is simply the result of life experience or good fortune. But here’s the … Read more

People who are happier in their 60s and beyond than they ever were in their youth usually display these 7 behaviors

It’s not uncommon to think of our youth as the “good old days”. But let’s face it, there are folks out there who are having the time of their lives in their 60s, 70s and even beyond! The difference? It usually comes down to behavior. Those who are happier in their golden years than they … Read more

8 things successful people do when they’re not at work

There’s a clear distinction between being successful and just being busy. Success isn’t about cramming as many tasks into your day as possible. It’s about finding balance, even when you’re not on the clock. Successful people understand this, and they make the most out of their time away from work. It’s not just about relaxation … Read more

8 things in life highly intelligent people often take for granted, says psychology

If you’re someone who’s been labeled as ‘highly intelligent’, you may unknowingly overlook certain aspects of life that others find significant. Being highly intelligent isn’t a choice, it’s just how some brains are wired. But such intelligence can create its own set of unique challenges, especially when it comes to appreciating the simple things in … Read more

Rome: Syllabus Days

 Let’s debrief on how each of my classes are going so far. ROMA CINEMA MUNDI (FLM 213): I’m actually going to enjoy this class, even though it’s a 3 hour lecture (and I MEAN actually 3 hours, not an exaggeration) but at least it’s every Monday. Starting at the rainy 9am, we dived straight into the … Read more

8 types of people who never deserve a second chance

There’s a clear line between forgiving someone’s mistakes and letting them walk all over you again and again. Understanding this difference is crucial in maintaining healthy relationships. Sometimes, people cross a boundary that shouldn’t be crossed. There are certain types of people who, unfortunately, don’t deserve a second chance. They’ve shown us their true colors … Read more