8 habits of people who stay in incredible shape without ever going to the gym

If you see someone with a great physique, you’d think they live in the gym. If you see someone jogging every morning, you’d assume they’re a fitness freak. But, let’s debunk these stereotypes. You’ll be surprised to know some people maintain their awe-inspiring shape without ever stepping foot in a gym. Yes, you heard it … Read more

Optimize Your Career: Top 5 Cities for Digital Marketing Internships 

31 Digital marketing requires you to connect with a diverse range of people through advertising, content strategy, digital media, and more. By adding a digital marketing internship to your resume, you’ll not only stand out in this highly competitive field but also demonstrate to future employers your ability to connect with diverse audiences. An AIFS … Read more

Get Psyched! Explore the Top 5 Cities for Psychology Internships Abroad

48 In today’s modern world, professionals of all kinds need to be able to communicate and collaborate with people from diverse backgrounds, and psychology is no exception. As a psychiatrist, therapist, clinical psychologist, or counselor you may need to communicate with patients from very different backgrounds; as a neuropsychologist, social psychologist, forensic psychologist, or other … Read more

Why You Should Hire Former Teachers — Careers Done Write

The teacher shortage in the US has been covered extensively and exhaustively by the press both here and abroad. It is easy to understand what is driving this—disrespect of the profession, increasing reliance on standardized testing, and compensation. Compared to other similarly educated, white-collar professionals, American teachers are grossly underpaid. As more educators leave the … Read more