If someone uses these 8 phrases in a conversation, they have very little class and sophistication

When someone drops a pile of curse words in a chat, it’s pretty clear they lack class. If they can’t be bothered to replace “you know what I mean?” with a thoughtful statement, chances are, sophistication isn’t their strong suit. That’s the ABCs of social interaction, right there. But here’s the kicker – it goes … Read more

If you really want to thrive in your retirement, start practicing these daily rituals

There’s a secret to thriving in retirement, and it starts with daily rituals. These aren’t chores or burdensome routines, but intentional practices – tasks that align with your authenticity and personal growth. Thriving in retirement isn’t about how much money you’ve saved. Sure, that helps, but there’s more to it. It’s about living a fulfilling, … Read more

10 behaviors of parents who raise difficult children, according to psychology

Parenting isn’t a walk in the park. There’s no one-size-fits-all manual on how to raise kids who are respectful, responsible, and resilient. Sometimes, despite our best intentions, we end up fostering traits in our children that make them, well, difficult. Psychology points out that certain parental behaviors can inadvertently shape a child into becoming hard … Read more

7 things you don’t realize you’re doing because you’re a high-quality person

Have you ever paused to look at your life and thought, “Why do I seem different from others?” Not in a self-deprecating way, but in a reflective and introspective manner? Here’s a thought. Perhaps you’re different because you’re not just any person – you’re a high-quality individual. However, you might not even realize the subtle … Read more

8 signs you’re actually a great parent (even it doesn’t always feel like it)

When your child throws a tantrum in public, you might feel like you’re failing. When they refuse to eat their vegetables or brush their teeth, it’s easy to doubt your parenting skills. But here’s something I’ve learned along the way: parenting is not a walk in the park, and feeling inadequate at times is part … Read more

8 signs you have a powerful reputation that commands respect from others

A powerful reputation is far from being the loudest person in the room or having an inflated sense of self. It’s about walking into a space and feeling the quiet shift in energy—because people take you seriously. It’s not built overnight, and it’s definitely not about manipulation. The people who truly command respect do so … Read more

How to succeed in psychometric tests

Employers have many ways to screen applicants, from the standard CV or application form to video interviews and assessment centres. If you are applying for an insight week, internship or graduate job, the chances are that psychometric testing will form part of the selection process. Although it sounds like a scary term for analysing the … Read more

Mastering University Life Abroad | Study in Ireland

Join Student Ambassador Katheryn Carolina Aymerich Díaz as she shares her experience of adjusting to university life abroad. From overcoming homesickness to making new friends and embracing a new culture, Katheryn offers valuable insights for anyone embarking on their own study abroad journey. You’ve chosen your course, applied to your preferred university, and received your … Read more