8 phrases a man will use when he’s just stringing you along, according to relationship experts

Navigating modern relationships can be tricky, especially when it feels like someone is sending mixed signals.

While some men are upfront about their intentions, others may keep you on the hook without any real intention of committing.

Relationship experts have identified common phrases that reveal when a man isn’t truly invested but wants to keep you interested.

Recognizing these warning signs can save you from emotional frustration and wasted time.

Let’s dive into 8 key phrases men use when they’re just stringing you along.

Welcome to the Love Connection blog, I’m Tina Fey, here to guide you through the labyrinth of love and relationships!

1) “We’ll see…”

Navigating the ambiguous waters of dating requires a keen eye for detail and a keen ear for phrases that often mean more than they seem.

The phrase “We’ll see…” is a classic example of a man stringing you along.

It’s the ultimate non-committal response, promising nothing while keeping you hopeful for the future.

Men who use this phrase are often aware of its power to keep you interested while avoiding any real commitment.

It’s a red flag that he’s not as invested in the relationship as you might hope.

As always, it’s important to trust your instincts and look out for patterns in his behavior.

One “We’ll see…” could be innocent, but if it’s his go-to response, you might be dealing with a commitment phobe.

2) “I’m not sure what I want right now”

This phrase is a strong contender in the stringing-you-along Olympics.

It’s vague, it’s confusing, and it leaves you questioning where you stand.

But let’s look at it from a different angle: any person who truly values you and your relationship will make an effort to figure out what they want—they won’t leave you hanging in uncertainty!

I remember my grandma always used to say, “Words are just words until actions prove them true.”

It’s a sentiment echoed by the great Mark Twain who said, “Actions speak louder than words.”

3) “I’m just not ready for a relationship”

Here’s another phrase that’s a classic in the string-you-along playbook: “I’m just not ready for a relationship”.

This is a tricky one, as it can be legit in some situations.

But if you find yourself waiting around for months while he figures things out, it’s time to rethink the situation.

In my book, Breaking The Attachment: How To Overcome Codependency in Your Relationship, I delve into why it’s important to recognize when you’re being held back by someone else’s indecision.

If he’s constantly repeating this phrase, yet still enjoys the benefits of your company and attention, alarm bells should start ringing.

It can be tough to walk away, especially when you have strong feelings for someone—your emotional health and well-being should always be your top priority!

4) “You’re too good for me”

This might surprise you, but the phrase “You’re too good for me” can sometimes be a sign that a man is stringing you along.

It sounds like a compliment, right? But in reality, it can be a clever way for him to keep you at arm’s length.

If he’s constantly telling you how you’re too good for him, it could mean he’s not planning on stepping up to meet your standards.

Instead, he’s setting the stage for the eventual letdown.

It’s counterintuitive because who doesn’t want to hear they’re fantastic?

But if it comes with a side of commitment avoidance, it’s not as sweet as it sounds.

5) “Let’s just go with the flow”

“Let’s just go with the flow” is another phrase that can often be a mask for a lack of commitment.

It sounds relaxed, spontaneous, and can even feel exciting.

But in many cases, it’s a sign that he’s not serious about building a future with you.

Don’t get me wrong, going with the flow can be great in certain situations.

I’m all for spontaneity and living in the moment, but—when it comes to building a meaningful relationship—there needs to be some level of intention and planning!

A relationship isn’t something that just happens; it’s something that two people consciously decide to build together.

If he’s always insisting on “going with the flow” instead of discussing your future, it might be time to reconsider his intentions.

6) “I don’t want to ruin our friendship”

Ladies, brace yourselves for this one: “I don’t want to ruin our friendship”.

This phrase often sounds considerate and sincere, but it can also be a subtle way of keeping you in the ‘friend zone’ while he keeps his options open.

It’s a difficult pill to swallow, but if he frequently uses this phrase, it might be an indication that he enjoys the emotional support and companionship you offer, but without the commitment of a romantic relationship.

If he truly valued your friendship, he wouldn’t lead you on with mixed signals.

Sometimes, the truth hurts—but it’s better to face reality than to cling onto false hope!

7) “I’m just really busy right now”

“I’m just really busy right now” is another phrase that often serves as a smokescreen for lack of commitment.

We all have busy periods in our lives, but when someone truly cares, they make the time.

I’ve always been a firm believer that we make time for what we truly want.

In the wise words of Oprah Winfrey, “You can have it all. Just not all at once.”

This applies to relationships too!

If he’s consistently too busy to invest time and effort into your relationship, it’s a clear sign that he’s not prioritizing you.

8) “I’m not good at relationships”

Finally, we have the phrase, “I’m not good at relationships.”

It might seem like a candid confession, but it’s often used as a convenient excuse to avoid commitment.

Being bad at relationships isn’t something that’s set in stone.

It’s something that can be worked on if the person is willing to put in the effort and learn from past mistakes.

If he’s using this phrase consistently, it could be an indication that he’s not ready to put in that effort with you.


Ladies, recognizing these phrases is the first step in protecting your emotional well-being.

Facing the truth can be tough, but it’s essential for finding a relationship that truly fulfills you.

In my book, Breaking The Attachment: How To Overcome Codependency in Your Relationship, I dive deeper into understanding the dynamics of healthy and unhealthy relationships. It’s a valuable resource for anyone navigating the complex world of love and relationships.

You deserve someone who values you and is eager to build a future together—never settle for less!

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