9 body language tricks to completely throw a manipulator off their game, according to psychology

Manipulators rely on reading people, exploiting subtle cues to get what they want. But what if you could turn the tables?

The truth is, body language can be your secret weapon to throw a manipulator off their game without saying a word.

Whether it’s at work, in a relationship, or in everyday situations, learning how to control your non-verbal cues can stop their tactics in their tracks.

In this article, we’ll dive into nine powerful body language tricks, backed by psychology, that will make any manipulator second-guess their approach.

1) Adopt a confident posture

The first step in throwing a manipulator off their game is to project self-assuredness. This isn’t about faking it, but rather tapping into your own innate strength and conveying it through your body language.

A confident posture can be as simple as standing or sitting tall, keeping your shoulders back and your chin up.

This can subtly communicate to the manipulator that you are not someone to be trifled with, that you know your worth and won’t be easily swayed.

When you adopt a confident posture, you also send a message to your own mind – reinforcing your self-belief and readiness to stand firm against manipulation attempts.

2) Maintain steady eye contact

Eye contact is a powerful tool in communication. It can reveal a lot about a person’s intentions and emotions. In the context of our discussion, maintaining steady eye contact is an effective way to counter manipulation.

When dealing with a manipulator, they may try to avoid eye contact or even use it to intimidate you. However, holding their gaze confidently can put them on the back foot.

It communicates that you’re engaged, assertive, and not easily intimidated.

But remember, the goal isn’t to start a staring contest or come across as confrontational. The idea is to hold their gaze just long enough to show that you’re not going to be an easy target.

By practicing this powerful non-verbal cue, you can silently assert your strength, making it harder for manipulators to gain the upper hand.

3) Use open body language

While it might seem logical to shield yourself physically when dealing with manipulative individuals, doing the opposite can be surprisingly effective.

Using open body language – such as uncrossing your arms and legs, and facing the person directly – can send a message of confidence and self-assuredness.

Moreover, this approach denotes that you’re comfortable in your own skin and in the situation, potentially leaving the manipulator uncertain of their influence over you.

Open body language can also encourage honesty and transparency, making it harder for manipulative tactics to thrive in the conversation.

4) Limit physical touch

Physical touch can be a powerful tool in the hands of a manipulator. They often use it to establish a false sense of intimacy or to exert dominance.

It could be a seemingly innocent pat on the back, a hug that lasts a bit too long, or an unwelcome hand on your shoulder.

Being mindful of this, it’s crucial to set physical boundaries in your interactions. You have the right to decide when and how you are touched, and it’s perfectly okay to step back or gently remove their hand if you’re uncomfortable.

This isn’t about being rude or standoffish, but about respecting your own personal space and ensuring others do the same. By limiting physical touch, you disrupt their tactics and retain control over your personal boundaries.

5) Mirror their actions

It’s never easy dealing with manipulative individuals, and it’s important to approach these situations with a certain level of empathy.

People don’t become manipulative without reason; often, it’s a learned behavior rooted in their own insecurities or past traumas.

Mirroring can be an effective tool to subtly communicate that you understand them and are on an equal footing.

This means subtly mimicking their body language, gestures, or speech patterns. It’s a sign of empathy and understanding in normal conversations.

However, when dealing with manipulators, mirroring can disrupt their sense of control. They may feel understood and validated, which can lessen their need to manipulate.

6) Break the touch barrier on your terms

We’ve all been there – that moment when someone invades your personal space without invitation.

It can be uncomfortable and a tactic manipulators use to assert dominance or control. But there’s a way to flip the script, and it’s as simple as initiating the touch.

This doesn’t mean you need to be overly physical, but a firm handshake, a pat on the back, or a friendly high five can go a long way.

When you initiate the touch, it changes the dynamics of the interaction. It shows that you’re in control of your boundaries and comfortable enough to make the first move.

7) Smile genuinely

A smile can be a powerful weapon, especially when it’s genuine. It’s like a ray of sunshine that can light up even the darkest corners.

And guess what? It can be a game-changer when dealing with manipulators.

Smiling communicates happiness, contentment and confidence. It shows that you’re enjoying the conversation and feeling good about yourself. This positive energy can often throw manipulators off track as they thrive on insecurity and discomfort.

8) Stand your ground

This one is no-nonsense and direct, but sometimes, tough love is required, especially when dealing with manipulators. It’s time to plant your feet firmly on the ground and refuse to be swayed by their tactics.

Standing your ground doesn’t mean being confrontational. It’s about maintaining your position both physically and metaphorically.

Keep a steady stance, hold your space and don’t allow yourself to be physically pushed around or bullied into a corner.

9) Trust your instincts

If there’s one thing you take away from this list, let it be this: trust your gut. Your instincts are a powerful tool and often, they’re the first to detect when something is off in an interaction.

Even with all the body language tricks in the world, the most important thing is to listen to that inner voice. If you feel uncomfortable or sense that something is not quite right, don’t ignore it.

Your feelings are valid and they matter. So, pay close attention to them and allow them to guide your actions and responses. Trusting your instincts can help you navigate manipulative tactics effectively and maintain your self-respect and dignity.

In conclusion

By mastering these nine body language tricks, you can regain control and stop manipulators in their tracks.

Subtle, but powerful, these non-verbal cues send a clear message that you’re not easily influenced. Remember, manipulators rely on reading weakness — when you use these techniques, you shift the power back to you.

Stay aware, stay in control, and use your body language as a tool to protect yourself from manipulation.

With these tricks in your arsenal, you’ll no longer be an easy target.

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