8 phrases a person with cruel intentions will use to undermine your self-confidence

If you’ve ever dealt with someone who seems to constantly belittle or undermine you, you know how much it can shake your confidence. Often, a person with cruel intentions may resort to subtle phrases and comments that can chip away at your self-esteem, leaving you feeling bewildered and insecure. You might find yourself questioning your … Read more

If your goal is to be happier in your 70s and beyond, say goodbye to these 6 habits

Have you ever thought about what it takes to lead a truly happy and fulfilling life into your 70s and beyond? I certainly have, and I’ve realized that happiness in our later years isn’t just about adding more—it’s often about letting go. Some habits that might seem harmless now can quietly erode our well-being over … Read more

People who unconsciously cut off family and friends as they get older typically display these behaviors

As we age, our relationships evolve, and sometimes, we unintentionally drift apart from family and friends. This is not always a conscious decision but rather the result of certain behaviors. It’s interesting to note these behaviors are often similar across different people. They are subtle actions that slowly build a wall between us and our … Read more

8 subtle signs your adult child isn’t taking proper care of themselves

There’s a fine line between being a concerned parent and overstepping into your adult child’s life. Navigating this line can be tricky. Your kid might be all grown up, but that doesn’t mean you stop worrying about their well-being, right? Spotting the signs that your adult child might not be taking proper care of themselves … Read more

5 Places to Visit in Dublin, Ireland

1. Trinity College and The Book of Kells Of course, my number 1 place to see has to be my home, Trinity College. The campus is very beautiful and so many amazing Irish writers and academics went there. It is not only Ireland’s oldest university, but it also houses the Book of Kells, a priceless … Read more

People who struggle with small talk often display these 9 traits without realizing it

Small talk. For some, it’s effortless—a way to connect, share a laugh, or pass the time. For others, it feels awkward, forced, and a little too much like walking a tightrope: say too much, and you feel exposed; say too little, and the conversation falls flat. The truth is, being good at small talk isn’t … Read more

10 things lower middle class people believe that have no basis in truth

There’s a big gap between perception and reality, especially when it comes to socio-economic classes. Being in the lower middle class often comes with a set of beliefs that, while commonly held, are not necessarily rooted in truth. The thing is, these misconceptions can shape the way we see the world and even dictate our … Read more