11 Ways To Enjoy Summer When You’re Working A Full-Time Job

11 Ways To Enjoy Summer When You’re Working A Full-Time Job

There you are: sitting on the beach, covered in sunscreen, reading your favorite book, drinking your favorite drink under the cool shade of an umbrella. Life doesn’t get any better than this. Suddenly, a door slams, a phone rings, a printer turns on. You jolt back into consciousness. You’re at work, sitting in your cubicle, … Read more

7 Benefits of Staffing Agencies to Support Your Job Search

7 Benefits of Staffing Agencies to Support Your Job Search

June 10, 2024 | Career Blog Navigating the job market can often feel like an uphill battle. The journey typically includes roadblocks uncovering details about job openings and wasted effort going through complex hiring processes. Instead of going at it alone, staffing agencies can serve as your personal guide to help you find opportunities that … Read more

5 Steps To Speaking Up Powerfully When You Feel You Can’t – Kathy Caprino

5 Steps To Speaking Up Powerfully When You Feel You Can’t – Kathy Caprino

Part of the series “Becoming The Most Powerful and Confident You” Every year, I work with scores of professionals from all walks of life who come for help with one key problem – they can’t speak up for themselves or assert their boundaries. In many cases, their boundaries are non-existent, which translates into their allowing … Read more

Ripley PR acclaimed for stellar B2B services

Ripley PR acclaimed for stellar B2B services

Ripley PR, a leading PR company in the US with its base in Tennessee, continues to notch up recognition for its excellent business-to-business service. Notably, the firm’s contributions to the industrial and manufacturing sector have been exceptional. Their strategic measures and smart solutions have made them a favorite amongst businesses across the country. The firm … Read more

Post-Interview Thank You Notes And The Significance Of The Personal Touch — Insider Career Strategies Resume Writing & Career Coaching

Post-Interview Thank You Notes And The Significance Of The Personal Touch — Insider Career Strategies Resume Writing & Career Coaching

There’s nothing like a post-interview thank you note, simple and to the point, to make a positive impression on the people who met with you to measure your fit for the job. There is no downside. The act itself is a message. Sending thank-you notes has been a recommended best practice for many moons, but … Read more

High court scandal and advertising giant reshapes industry

High court scandal and advertising giant reshapes industry

Covert audio recordings involving High Court judges have been unearthed, leading to an influx of ethics-focused debates among legal professionals. Intense investigations are underway to unveil the truths hidden within these secretive exchanges. Current discussions aim to forge new regulatory changes and ethical standards to prevent similar incidents. In a stark shift, GroupM, a giant … Read more

Public relations professionals: underappreciated artists in storytelling

Public relations professionals: underappreciated artists in storytelling

The worlds of advertising and public relations are renowned for their artistic tendencies despite their different areas of focus. Commonly, the creativity of advertising captures public attention, often shadowing the inventiveness of Public Relations (PR). However, this oversimplified view downplays PR’s innovative capabilities. PR immerses itself in strategic communication, image management, event coordination, crisis handling, … Read more

How To Increase Your Chances Of Landing A Job Offer

How To Increase Your Chances Of Landing A Job Offer

In cold weather climates, the beginning of spring is a time to clean the house and get organized—a practice known as spring cleaning. Through the years, spring cleaning has taken on a larger meaning with people using the time to organize and declutter things in their lives. For professionals on the job hunt, a little … Read more