Do You Believe in Your Company’s Core Values

Companies and businesses do not just have goals they follow to keep the business focused on its operations. Most often, they have core values they uphold to create their business’s culture and image. Employees are expected to abide by these core values and see their value to the entire team.

However, it is still being determined if employees truly believe in these values, and if it is genuinely valued, they share them with you. There’s no clear way to resolve this, but there are steps on how you can help your team see the value of abiding by your company’s values:

Set Clear Values With Your Team

If your company or business still needs core values, you can ask your team to help you identify them and associate the right behaviours that reflect them. If you have existing core values that must be correctly defined, you can work with your team to rectify the issue.

You should also be open to clarifying these values to your team, explaining why they matter to the company, and answering other questions they may have about them.

Introduce The Core Values

Employees often ignore the company or business’s core values because they are not aware they exist. It is important that you introduce these values to them, whether directly or indirectly.

Have a strategy in place to introduce these core values from the moment you make a job posting to the employee’s introduction to your team. You also need to be consistent with your introduction to reduce any misunderstandings.

Be The Role Model For The Team

If you want people to believe in and support your company’s core values, you need to show that you actually believe in them yourself.

Show the proper behaviour that the company upholds and be an example for your colleagues to follow. If they see you do it consistently and without fail, they will be inspired to copy your example.

Recognise The Efforts And Reinforce The Practice With Positive Support

Your employees will adopt your company or business’ core values differently. As their team leader or manager, you must keep your eyes open and recognise their efforts.

To ensure they continue advocating and believing in your core values, reinforce their practice with positive support. Give them incentives, positive reviews or promotions. For your employees, they want to feel and see that their efforts and beliefs are not in vain.

Whether you are developing your core values or have had one for a long time, they need to be well-known, and you and your team must honour them. With you at the helm and leading the practice of believing in your company’s core values, you can slowly build workplace collaboration and trust, which will help your business run smoothly every day.

Use the tips above to get started and see how easy it is to advocate your core values throughout your team.

For more tips on managing your team effectively, try these:
10 Ways to Establish Healthy Boundaries at Work
5 Principles of Purposeful Leadership
2 Extreme Leadership

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