DSF Scholar Graduating to Interning with Walter P Moore | Denver Scholarship Foundation

Gilberto Carbajal’s journey from a Denver Scholarship Foundation (DSF) Scholar to landing an internship with Walter P Moore showcases the transformative power of education and determination. Graduating from the University of Colorado Boulder (CU Boulder) with a degree in Architectural Engineering with a Structural Systems Emphasis, Gilberto’s journey is one of perseverance, support, and seizing opportunities! 

He grew up playing sports and had an interest in engineering at a young age. He also remembers watching the Fédération Internationale de Football Association (FIFA) World Cup with his father. The internship with Walter P Moore is a dream come true as it would allow him to get more experience in his field in an area of interest and passion. The possibility that this internship opportunity might lead him to contribute to the modification of two stadiums that will participate in the upcoming World Cup is truly a realization of his aspirations.  

Growing up in Aurora and attending Denver Public Schools (DPS) his entire life including DSST: Montview High School, Gilberto’s success was paved with the guidance of DSF and other organizations. His introduction to the Precollegiate Program at University of Colorado Denver (CU Denver) marked a pivotal moment, providing resources in the possibility of attending college. Supported by his parent’s encouragement and the network of organizations like DSF and the Hispanic Scholarship Fund, Gilberto pieced together the financial resources to help him pay for his education. 

Transitioning to CU Boulder in 2020, Gilberto started his college journey by getting accustomed to his classes and the rigorous engineering program. He relied on the support of the Bridge Scholars Program and campus resources, including DSF Campus Contact, Chris Pacheco. Over the four years, he diligently balanced his academics with a work-study position.  

Gilberto’s determination led him to secure a competitive internship at Farnsworth Group last summer, an opportunity typically reserved for graduate students. This experience not only allowed him to practice his technical skills learned in college but apply his knowledge with clients. It also positioned him for his upcoming internship at Walter P Moore, where he aspires to contribute to high profile projects such as the modifications of the 2026 FIFA World Cup stadiums to fit FIFA specifications.  

Reflecting on his journey, Gilberto emphasizes the importance of resilience and community. He advises his fellow engineering students to embrace failure as a part of the learning process, anchoring themselves to their goals and seeking support when needed.  

Expressing his gratitude, Gilberto, thanks the entire DSF team, “The transformative impact of DSF’s resources on guiding first-generation students navigate the college going process is profound. Their unwavering support in fostering connections across Denver and empowering us to pursue our dreams is indispensable to our success.” 

In a few short weeks, Gilberto will walk the CU Boulder graduation stage, a testament to his hard work and perseverance, before stepping into the next chapter of his professional life with Walter P Moore. He will return to CU Boulder to earn an accelerated master’s degree in Civil Engineering. His story serves as an inspiration to aspiring engineers and testament to the transformative power of education and unwavering determination. 




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