I just got two job offers today! Now I’ll be making more and working less than the woman who got me fired in the first place.

Until today, I remained unemployed for roughly around a month and two weeks. A sizable portion of that time was entirely by choice, if I’m being honest. I really needed a mental health break and spending some well-deserved quality time with my family and friends helped me feel so much more motivated and energized. I guess in a way I was also putting off the job search because our current market is saturated with so many scammers and false advertising. I didn’t want to spend months getting my hopes up only to be let down. Finally, though, I had no choice but to bite the bullet.

I put in a total of four applications to medical offices seeking a full-time receptionist / front desk supervisor. The first company never even viewed my resume at all. The second company ghosted me only a few hours after reaching out to schedule an initial interview. I was really banking on the third and fourth offices to provide at least one chance to meet a recruiter in person, and much to my delight, they both expressed interest! It was such a huge relief to feel like I was finally getting somewhere.

I interviewed at one office last Wednesday and the other one yesterday. They both sent me an email this morning saying I’d gotten the job! I was able to bargain my way into a better salary for the company I preferred after explaining I was debating between two offers, and what really sealed the deal is that I’ll be working 7:30-4:30. I’ll actually have time to get things done in the afternoons now!

I wanted to make this post as hope for those of you who are still searching for the next job opportunity–it’s definitely out there. And for anyone who’s gotten fired because of a coworker before? Honestly, it might just be for the best. I know for a fact she’s still as miserable of a person as she was the day that I left, and now on top of that she’s piled with the workload of three people. (Which, as sources have informed me, she never anticipated would be her responsibility when she snitched on me to the boss. Serves you right for being nosy and overbearing!)

Anyway, here’s a little advice of things that I did that I think helped me get an offer:

  • Pre-researched the staff of the company and the company’s history. I made sure to include little tidbits of what I’d learned in the “why are you interested / what makes you a good fit” question. I also saw that my recruiter included on the website that she enjoys the outdoors, so I mentioned that I’d gone hiking with my boyfriend over the weekend to a popular local trail and showed her a few cute photos from the trip. That conversation definitely made me memorable.

  • I got a letter of recommendation from both my previous general manager and direct supervisor prior to the job I got fired from. They’re going to be contacting professional references anyway, so might as well beat them to the punch with a glowing review from someone you’ve worked under before.

  • I made sure to make good use of the “do you have any questions for me” comment. I asked for clarification on a few salary and benefit terms, but mainly focused on the company culture, the qualities of what person she thought would best fit the position, how the probationary period would work, and a few different aspects of the EHR system software.

  • I said “hello / how are you” and “goodbye” to everyone I met in the office, including the receptionist. I also held the door for an elderly patient on my way out.

I really wish everyone the best of luck! It’s a nightmare out there right now, but hopefully better times are just ahead for you all. 🙂

submitted by /u/Sugar_Soul
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