When I think about what makes me who I am, I always think about my hobbies, the people I surround myself with, and what’s important to me. I struggle to answer the question “what are your hobbies” because I try to find enjoyment in most things I do, but realistically, my hobbies are reading, going to the beach, drinking coffee, trying new food, and spending time with the people that I love.
Stuck a phone in a heart shaped hole at the beach to take this picture.
What I Captured
Reading and Exploring
On one of my first days studying abroad in Sydney, I visited the local library and got a library card. I used this card multiple times, and my friends begged me to help them get cards too. I tried to go to the beach at least a few times a week to take advantage of the beautiful weather and places Sydney offers.
Sriya and I after visiting the Glebe Markets and napping on the beach.
I felt very fortunate to be in Australia during their summer months instead of in Minneapolis winter back at school.
Take-a-book-leave-a-book library where I borrowed my next read.
Art Abroad
Even though I didn’t miss the weather at UMN, I did miss my friends and family dearly. To cope, I spent a lot of time with my new study abroad friends in Sydney.
A red room in an art museum. There was lots of beautiful work in this room.
I’m very fortunate and grateful to CEA CAPA for providing me with a great group of friends that are very similar to me.

A hidden café behind a bookstore in Glebe.
We started a book club, visited art galleries, tried new cafés, went on hikes, and did many other things that I personally enjoy.
This is a photo of me taking in the scenery on a hike.
I think that I would’ve struggled a lot more if I didn’t have a community of people with similar identities and interests.
Artwork featuring marine animals in the National Gallery of Victoria in Melbourne.
While we had a lot of similarities, we also had a few key differences that made us an interesting group.
Spontaneous sunrise with Shivani after getting no sleep.
As a Quaker, I hardly ever meet other Quakers and never expect to. This is a part of my identity that I never really see “out in the wild” so to speak. I didn’t go to a meeting for worship in Sydney yet because of life getting in the way. I have, however, spent time quietly reflecting on my own, and I was truly happy being in Sydney.
Flower booth at Bondi Market.
Me, about to eat a $12 pizza.
Piper Salmon is the Content Creator – Photographer in Sydney, Australia, and is currently studying at University of Minnesota-Twin Cities.
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