My Typical Day in the Life Studying at UPF, Barcelona

Bienvenidos! Today is Friday, which is a perfect day for me to share a typical day in my life. My day begins at 9 am when I wake up to prepare for class. Today, I have two classes, Digital Marketing at 11 am and International Business History at 4:30 pm. This leaves me with 2 hours until my first class.

I like to start my day with a full cup of water, which also helps me wake up. For breakfast, I have decided to prepare myself a bocadillo, which is the Spanish version of a hoagie. While eating my breakfast, I like to check my emails and courses to make sure I am prepared for the day. After an hour or so, I get prepared to go to class. I live right by the L4 metro, which is perfect because this line is right to the UPF campus. My commute takes around 20 minutes. Today, I decided to arrive early to stop by Cafè Menssana to get my matcha latte with agave syrup. This cafe is right by the campus and they also have amazing food so I find myself here often. If you visit, make sure to try their Chocolate Guinness Cake, it is the best!!

My class ended at 12:30 pm, which is a perfect time for lunch. Today, my friend and I decided to visit one of our go-to restaurants, Wenzhou II. We simply love this restaurant because the price is really good for such a large portion and amazing taste. Who doesn’t love a good deal? It is also conveniently close to the campus, around a 15 minute walk.

My favorite – #24 Sopa de fideos con ternera (noodle soup with veal)

After enjoying my meal, I have two hours left before my next class. As I had projects to work on, I decided to be productive and headed to the library at UPF. This is one of my favorite places to study and I often come here when I need to focus. The environment just makes me so much more productive, I mean, look at it for yourself!

After finishing my class at 6 pm, I got bored so I decided to visit Las Ramblas with my friend. The Gothic Quarter is so big and maze-like, so I have yet to visit every street. I figured why not just get lost and just explore around? We visited many shops but then got hungry and stumbled upon a random store selling empanadas. This is perfect timing for a snack so we tried it out.

Around 8 pm, I decided to go home to prepare some dinner. I still had a fridge full of groceries that I was trying my best to finish. This is also perfect for some “me-time” since I have been out all day. In Spain, it is pretty normal to have dinner rather late compared to The States. For me, this happens around 8 to 10 pm. After devouring my meal, I feel so much better on a stuffed belly. Since today is Friday, I usually check in with my friends to see if there are plans or events happening for the night. Anyway, this marks the end of my typical day in life studying in Barcelona!

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