Part-Time Jobs in Ireland for Indian Students: Top Jobs, Salaries, and More | Admissify

How much is it possible to make in Ireland working part-time? If you estimated a monthly income of less than INR 64,000 to INR 77,000, you would be incorrect! According to recent data, students in Ireland can make an average part-time salary of INR 900 to INR 1,350 per hour.

By dedicating yourself to 40 hours every week (holidays included), the monthly income could range from INR 72,000 up to INR 108,000, which is enough to sustain your studies as well as cost of living in Ireland

In case you are studying or thinking about studying in Ireland, then surely part-time jobs can assist with your financial needs. Based on a survey from Eurostudent in 2023, almost 76% of students who come from different countries do part-time work to help deal with the cost of living.

Part-time Jobs in Ireland – Key Highlights

Overview Details
Benefits of Part-Time Jobs in Ireland Flexible work hoursSkill developmentFinancial support
Websites to Find Jobs
Highest Paying Part-Time Jobs in Ireland IT SupportCustomer Service RepresentativeMarketing Assistant
Average Hourly Pay (INR) Ranges from INR 900 to INR 1,500
Part-time Jobs for Students in Dublin Ireland Flexible work hoursSkill development financial support

Guidelines for part-time jobs in Ireland for international students

International students are permitted to work up to 20 hours per week on-campus throughout the academic year, and during official breaks, they are permitted to work full-time. Depending on the condition of the visa, off-campus jobs may need additional authorization. Without sacrificing your academic goals, you can obtain work experience and manage your finances by following these tips.

Students who hold a student visa can engage in on-campus jobs, but only for 20 hours every week when school is in session.

Depending on your visa status, off-campus work may require special authorisation.

During official school breaks, international students can work full-time for 40 hours.

These rules exist so that students concentrate on their studies while also learning from work experience and handling their costs by utilising Ireland’s part-time job opportunities.

Online Part-Time Jobs in Ireland

As an international student in Ireland, an online part-time job offers a great way to gain work experience and earn extra income. According to a 2023 Statista report, remote job listings in Ireland have increased by 30% over the past year, reflecting the growing trend towards flexible work arrangements. Moreover, the average hourly wage for online part-time jobs in Ireland ranges from approximately ₹900 to ₹1,800, making it an attractive option for students to supplement their income and offset living expenses while studying abroad. With remote work on the rise, these opportunities provide valuable experience and skill development for future career prospects.

Types of Online Jobs

  • Freelance Work: Includes writing, graphic design, web development, and more.
  • Virtual Internships: Offer practical experience in various fields, often providing valuable industry connections.
  • Remote Part-Time Positions: Roles such as virtual assistants, online tutors, and customer service representatives.

Knowing the possible income range of online part-time work in Ireland can assist you in making knowledgeable choices regarding your employment possibilities.

Importance of Part-Time Jobs in Ireland to Manage Expenses

As an international student in Ireland, finding a part-time job can be a game-changer for managing your expenses. According to the Irish Council for International Students, the average annual cost of living for an international student in Ireland can range from a staggering ₹10,80,000 to ₹13,50,000 per year. All in all, by working the maximum 20 hours per week allowed during the academic term, you can earn approximately ₹65,000 per month through a part-time job.

Skill Development

Earn Valuable Work Experience: The chance to gain work experience is pivotal because it helps in creating a good resume, thus making students appealing candidates for future employers.

Acquisition of Skills: Students obtain skills that are essential and evergreen in all professional domains, like managing time efficiently, working as a team and communicating effectively.

Networking Opportunities

  • Creating Links: Through part-time jobs in Ireland, students can make connections with professionals and peers. 
  • Cultural Integration: When international students work part-time, they become more involved in the local culture and community. This inadvertently flourishes their academic experience, as engaging with students from all walks of life allows students to gain an appreciation for different cultures and customs.  

Finding Part-Time Jobs in Ireland

International students in Ireland can find a part-time job to supplement their income and gain valuable work experience. According to a 2024 report by Zety, online job portals are one of the most effective channels for job seekers, accounting for a whopping 52.17% of all job applications. Let’s explore various job portals online so as to make the job-seeking process convenient for international students like yourselves:

Job Portal Key Features
LinkedIn Filter job searches by type, including part-time roles. 2. Connect with professionals, join relevant groups, and network Access company reviews, insights into cultures, and salary information 2. Search and filter part-time job listings by location and job type
Indeed Browse millions of job listings, including part-time opportunities 2. Sends personalised alerts to students when relevant job positions come up
Monster Apply for part-time jobs with a single click 2. Get personalised job recommendations. 3. Access career resources and advice for job seekers Dedicated section for part-time and temporary jobs 2. Filter by location, industry, and job type

Top 9 Highest Paying Part-Time Jobs in Ireland

International students now is your chance to find the highest-paying part-time jobs in Ireland. Here are some of the highest-paid part-time jobs you can consider.

Part-Time Jobs in Ireland Average Hourly Wage (INR)
Sales Assistant INR 1900
Tutor INR 2200
Library Assistant INR 1450
Jobs at Restaurants/ Bars/ Cafes INR 900
Community Support Worker INR 2100
Call Center Agent INR 990
Babysitting INR 850
Industrial Cleaner INR 990
Administrative Assistant INR 1350

Jobs in Ireland: Eligibility Criteria

As a student in Ireland, getting part-time work can improve your education journey and assist with the expenses of living. The Higher Education Authority report shows that more than 70% of international students in Ireland are satisfied and involved in part-time jobs. In order to fill the criteria of being able to apply for part-time jobs in Ireland, you must fulfil the following criteria: 

Requirement Details
Visa Requirements 1. Non-EU/EEA students need a valid Stamp 2 student visa  2. Allows up to 20 hours of work per week during term time  3. Up to 40 hours per week during holidays
Enrollment Status Must be enrolled in a full-time course recognized by the Irish Department of Education and Skills
Age Requirement Students must be at least 18 years old so as to be able to work legally
Taxation 1. Obtain a Personal Public Service (PPS) number for tax purposes 2. Comply with Irish tax regulations like PAYE and USC
Health Insurance Non-EU/EEA, international students must be enrolled in an active health insurance plan. 
Academic Performance Universities may ask candidates to maintain satisfactory academic performance to continue working part-time


Ireland fosters a great number of part-time opportunities for international students, thus helping them facilitate their education while being independent. The minimum wage in Ireland is better than most of its study-abroad counterparts which makes it a student-friendly company. For more such blogs, keep following Admissify! 


What is the minimum wage in Ireland? 

    The national minimum wage in Ireland is €12.70 per hour. This helps student ease their financial burden. 

    Can students work part-time in Ireland? 

      Yes, students can work part-time in students. Their student visa allows them to work 20 hours per week during an active academic session and 40 hours full time during academic breaks. 

      What is the best university in Ireland? 

        Trinity College Dublin is the best college in Ireland. Ranked 81 globally, the college offers a vast range of courses that allow students to broaden their horizons. 

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