Pre-Cas Interview Questions & Answers: How to Crack | Admissify

The Pre-Credibility Assessment Supplement (Pre-CAS) Interview is an important part of applying to UK universities for international students. This interview acts as a place where your documents, like academic records, results from English language tests and finance papers can be checked for truthfulness.

In 2023, more than one out of ten visa refusals happened because the credibility of supporting documents from applicants was doubted. In 2023, more than 6 lakh international students applied to UK universities. For every Indian applicant, the pre-CAS interview was an essential part.

Are you also planning for the Pre-Cas interview? If yes, this guide can give you all the information you need – from different interview questions to preparation methods and expert advice on how to do well in this important stage of your journey. Keep reading for more details.

Key Highlights: Pre-Cas Interview

The key highlights include:

Topic Details
UK Pre-CAS Interview – Duration and Feedback Timeline Typically lasts 35 minutes to 1 hour Feedback provided within 3-4 weeks
Pre-CAS Interview Questions and Answers Samples are provided for reference. 
Tips for Success Demonstrate genuine interest and self-awareness Maintain professionalism, technical preparedness, and clear communication

What is a Pre-Cas Interview?

The Pre-CAS Interview acts as a good chance to prepare for the upcoming UK visa interviews. By taking part in this first interview, you will gain useful experience in dealing with typical inquiries, expressing your aims and ambitions, and presenting yourself with assurance before immigration officers.

In 2023, there were more than 2,500 visa refusal cases because of doubts about the applicant’s sincerity or documents. These are some goals set by the UK Council for International Student Affairs (UKCISA) for Pre-CAS Interview.

  • Validate interest genuinely in pursuing the chosen course
  • Make sure you meet the necessary academic and language requirements
  • Evaluate  your ability to fund their studies and living expenses
  • Ensure your long-term plans after completing the course

What is the UK Pre-CAS Interview’s Duration and Feedback Timeline?

Usually, the Pre-CAS Interview takes from 30 minutes to one hour. This can vary based on the institution and study course. For instance, interviews at universities such as the University of Oxford and the University of Cambridge usually go for about 30 minutes. On the other hand, in some courses at colleges like Imperial College London or the University of Edinburgh, it might be possible that they have interviews lasting up to an hour.

The interview can be face-to-face or through video conferencing, which is more flexible and comfortable. After this step, the university will give you feedback in 2-4 weeks telling whether you have been successful or not. If it is positive news then they will send a CAS letter to you soon after this meeting; a CAS letter is very important for the visa process.

Pre-Cas Facts

Starting from 2023, around 80% or even more of international students who went through a pre-CAS interview expressed feeling more prepared and confident before their visa interviews. There is also a possibility that some universities may use the pre-CAS interview as an additional way of screening applicants for potential admissions decisions – particularly for demanding courses or those that are full.

Universities like the University of Cambridge, University of Oxford, Imperial College London, and London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE) may employ a Pre-CAS Interview as an extra measure to select students for admission. This method is often used with highly sought-after or crowded courses.

In a report from the Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education (QAA), it was found that more than 30% of UK universities view the pre-CAS interview as a point to consider when making their admission choices.

Pre-CAS Interview Questions and Answers

The Pre-CAS Interview involves a variety of questions that aim to evaluate your real enthusiasm, academic readiness, and relevance for the selected course and university. The person who interviews you will attempt to comprehend what drives you, your hopes for the future, and how dedicated you are to pursuing education in the UK.

Having good responses to these standard questions, and showing structure and depth in your answers, is very important for leaving a strong impression and proving you are suitable for the program. Here are some examples of Pre-CAS interview questions, along with their anticipated answers.

1. Can you introduce yourself?

This question is typically posed at the start of an interview, and it is a type of query that encourages you to give a brief introduction about yourself. This includes information such as your background, achievements in academics, and what interests you. The initial part creates an opportunity for making an impression by displaying confidence along with good communication abilities.

Strategy: Start your story smoothly by narrating your education journey, what you do beyond class time, and the relevant talent you are pursuing.

I graduated from [University/college Name] from where I pursued my [Degree/Major]. My interest in this area grew during my learning and as a result, I became actively involved to improve my understanding and skills.

By (ties to the field like relevant activities, internships, or projects), I made myself fit for the application of a master’s degree. Hence, now that I have chosen [Course Name] at [University Name], it feels so good. This is a well-known institution that matches what I want.

2. What are your reasons for choosing the UK, the particular university, and the study course?

I graduated from [Your Name]’s – University/College Name. I pursued my [Degree/Major]. My interest in this area grew during my learning and as a result, I became actively involved to improve my understanding and skills.

With the help of  (ties to the field like relevant activities, internships, or projects),I have made myself eligible for the application to a master’s degree program in the UK. I feel confident after choosing the particular degree in one of the well known institutions that fits my criteria as well. 

Queries: Why did you choose the UK as a place to study? Which university and what course? This research is designed to assess your genuine interests, motivation and comprehension of this academic program.

The UK has been a top choice for study in various disciplines, because of its outstanding research support facilities, prestigious institutions and diverse academic environments. By doing an in-depth research I have discovered that [University Name] would be an amazing place for me because it has relevant strengths in [specific strengths or specializations of the university and program].

The university’s dedication to [values or principles that match with your aims], great professors, and wonderful facilities make it an amazing place for learning. The [Course Name] course provides a complete study plan that suits my desire for knowledge and fits well with my upcoming career objectives in the [relevant industry or field].

Tone of Voice: Casual and Informative

3. Why Only UK? How does it differ from other study places?

While being interviewed for studying in the UK, the interviewer might ask you to compare it with other countries on your list. They want to see if you can analyse different study locations and understand the pros and cons of studying in the United Kingdom

Strategy:  Talk in-depth about the education system, job opportunities, cultural experiences etc of other potential study destinations. Compare it to the UK and give genuine reasons as why UK is the best fit for you among all other study destinations.

Sample Answer: When I was considering studying abroad, I thought about places like [other countries or regions you considered]. But, after careful consideration, I found that the UK was the perfect choice because it’s known worldwide for its outstanding educational standards, especially in [field of study].

 The country’s deep historical roots in [relevant field or industry] and its many different cultures and ethnicities make it a special place, perfect for both personal and professional development. Additionally, the UK’s strong links to industries and active research community provide excellent chances for networking and cooperation that are necessary as I progress towards reaching my career objectives.

Do remember, the goal is to make the text more like it was written by someone with English as their first language but not change any of its original information.

4. What are your future career plans?

During the interview, you might face queries regarding your plans and how your selected study course will help in achieving professional goals. The interviewer wants to know about what you have desired for a long time, and if this academic program aligns with those career ambitions.

Strategy: Look at the job scenario and professional chances in your studied field, considering both locations of the UK and your home country. Plan a career that seems logical and possible, concentrating on how this course will give you required skills needed for desired employment opportunity.

Upon finishing my studies in [Course Name] from [University Name], I look forward with great enthusiasm to shift into the [relevant industry/area]. My first strategy is engaging in internships or entry-level work. This will let me apply my knowledge and obtain essential comprehension about how things work within this particular sector.

In the time to come, I visualize myself operating as a [specific career goal]. My motivation for this profession is my wish to create an impact in [relevant field or industry], by engaging in activities such as [possible contributions or impact you aim to achieve]. I aim to establish myself as an expert in this energetic and advancing domain of work.

5. What causes a pause in your studies and where do you intend to reside if you study in the UK?

Be prepared for questions about gaps in your professional or academic journey. Always prepare a strong and convincing explanation. 

Strategy: Be honest about study gaps or breaks (if any), providing understandable reasons like personal situations or money problems. For the question of accommodation, check into what options are there and show a thought-out plan for where you will live during your study time.

In [city/location], I have thoroughly explored every option and chosen to stay in [accommodation plans such as on-campus housing, private accommodation or shared housing]. I am confident that I will adapt well with the living surroundings and utilize all possible benefits including help for international students.

6. Have you faced any visa refusals or received sponsorship?

If you have experienced visa refusals before or if someone is sponsoring your studies financially, then during the Pre-CAS Interview, you should be ready to discuss these matters.

Strategy: If there was a prior visa refusal, it will be beneficial to discuss why this happened and clarify how your condition has changed since then or what steps you have taken to deal with past issues.

 Also Make sure you understand the sponsorship agreement if it’s included – this includes things like terms and conditions as well as post-study duties from your sponsor after finishing studies.

Sample Answer:

[I don’t have a visa refusal, and nobody is sponsoring my studies from outside.]The money comes from funding sources [like personal savings, family support, scholarships/grants etc].

Yes, I had a visa refusal before due to [reason for rejection]. But my condition is not the same anymore. [explain the changes in circumstances, additional qualifications or experience gained or steps taken to address the concerns raised]. Now, I am more prepared and have a better understanding of what studying in the UK entails.

I have a fixed amount of money for education, which will be given to me by [details about who provides this money like an employer or government program]. I have an agreement with them stating that the sponsorship is confirmed. Mention all the important aspects such as [vital terms and conditions, for example, post-study duties or requirements]. Furthermore, I have funds from different places such as [list other funding methods], which can help in covering the remaining expenses regarding my studies and living requirements.


The pre-CAS interview is a very important part of your future dream work. If you are well-prepared with the right questions and answers, it can show off all of your abilities, learnings, and enthusiasm. Keep in mind to be confident and genuine. Keep practising and maintaining a good attitude, you will crack the interview and impact the panel. Good luck!


What kind of questions can be asked in the pre-CAS interview?

The interview questions are not fixed, they can be different. But generally, the focus is on examining your abilities, areas of interest, and what you intend to undertake for CAS.

Why are pre-CAS interviews important?

Interviews before CAS assess your suitability for the program and give you a chance to demonstrate your skills and comprehension.

What are some typical behavioural questions?

Anticipate queries regarding collaboration, leadership, handling disagreements, as well as your strong and weak areas.

What clothes should I wear to the interview?

You need to dress formally in business attire to make a good first impression.

What to do on the day of the interview?

Arrive on time, stay calm and confident, and show a good attitude. Remember to also ask interesting questions.

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