Tips for Solo Traveling Across Europe

One thing I planned to do while spending my semester abroad was to travel through Europe for a week after my classes ended. While I had never traveled solo before, I thought the experience would be rewarding. I still had my internal doubts and anxiety about traveling alone in foreign cities. In my mind, so many things could have gone wrong. My trip was along the southern coast of France, going from Marseille to Nice via train and taking a day trip to Monaco and Eze. From Nice, I would go to Italy by train to Turin, which would stop in Ventimiglia. My last stop was Milan, where my journey ended. I learned a lot from my solo travels, including some things I want to share.   

If you are thinking about traveling alone, especially in Europe, have no fear—with these tips, you will be a pro.

1) Transportation
What is the best way to get around? Flying within Europe is relatively cheap if you look early and often enough. Flying within the European Union is not a big hassle, but the airports can be away from the city and somewhat difficult to get to. The train is a good option when going medium distances, especially because you can see some beautiful scenery from the window. I took a train from Nice, France, to Turin, Italy, through the Alps, and it was amazing – I highly recommend it. The train station is usually near the city center, which makes it convenient. The one issue is that it can be hard to find trains that cross into different countries. Traveling within cities is relatively easy, as European cities have cheap and convenient public transportation such as buses and metros. Metros are great ways to get around, plus they take you to tourist spots. Buses are unique, and I would not recommend them for long distances, but some destinations may be best accessible through sleeper buses.

Views from Nietzsche path in Eze, France; Monaco Harbor

2) Accommodation
As a student on a budget, the way to go is hostels. Hostels are usually shared rooms, like dorms, with between 4 and 8 beds in a large room. They typically have shared bathrooms. Hostels are generally clean, safe, and very cheap, and hostel employees can also give you great tips on places to eat or unknown gems in the city. Another great aspect of hostels is that you can make great friends. Everyone is friendly and willing to grab a meal if you ask. Hostels are usually located near the city center, making it convenient to get around places. Hostels also may offer baggage holds, making it easy to drop your bags off and explore the city before your check-in time.

3) One Final Tip
The last tip I have to offer is not something concrete. The most important thing I learned was to slow down more. In the first few days of my solo travel, I blasted through sites and walked all over the city all day. I soon learned that, for me, the best way to travel was to savor the food, sights, and views. Spending an extra 30 minutes at a church or hilltop view makes you appreciate it more. I often became unsure about where I was because I had never stopped to think about it.


Ice cream in Milan

I hope these tips help you on your travels!

Akhil Alavalapati is an Electrical Engineering Tech major who studied abroad on the Universidad Pontificia Comillas exchange program in Madrid, Spain, during Spring 2023.

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