Smartcareers SUPARCO Jobs Islamabad 2023 Applications are invited for the under-mentioned posts. Applicants should fulfill the following conditions mentioned Before applying.
Advertisement in The News on Sunday 25-December-2022 regarding SUPARCO Jobs in Islamabad is mentioned below.
Pakistan Space and Upper Atmosphere Research Commission (SUPARCO), the national space agency, was established in 1961 as a Committee and was granted the status of a Commission in 1981
The SUPARCO Pakistan Jobs website provides a comprehensive list of current openings at the company. The opportunities include the positions categories mentioned below. The company also offers training programs to employees in order to improve their skills.
If you are interested in working at SUPARCO Pakistan, please visit the website below for more information.
The last Date To Apply Jan,09 -2023, consider applying before the deadline.
Available Jobs PSDP:
Below are the current vacant situations available to apply for Available Job Posts via Online Portal in SUPARCO.
Manager (PPS-08)
- Artificial Intelligence / Machine Learning
- Cyber Security
Assistant Managers (PPS-07)
- Artificial Intelligence / Machine Learning
- Android / iOS Development
- Web GIS Development
- Java / Dot Net Development
- Cyber Security
- Space Science / Geo-Informatics / RS&GIS
Computer Related
- Principal Computer Technician (PPS-05)
- Senior Computer Technician (PPS-04)
- Computer Operator (PPS-03)
SUPARCO Jobs Islamabad December 2023

Eligibility Criteria:
- The Candidates must Be Pakistani Nationals.
- Already Govt Employees will procure NOC to apply for these jobs. Govt Servants are also eligible to apply. they should follow through a proper channel through their organization
- Anyone who submitted fake information and is later found will be terminated from his office even after selection.
- For information in detail Please Visit below.
How To Apply?
- Registration for the above post will be made through Website link below.
- After visiting, Applicants must Signup and create a profile and fill in all information.
- Fill up the Complete Online Application form with all your experiences and degrees.
- Candidates Can Only Apply for one Post at a Time.
- Only Shortlist candidates will be contacted.
- After Applying Keep Visiting the website for your application confirmation of the Test Call Letter also keep watching the email address you will mention in the online submission
Please Visit to apply online for SUPARCO Jobs in Islamabad