10 Fun Employee Engagement Activities for Workplaces

Nothing beats having a fun work environment when it comes to ensuring that employees are satisfied while working. Even if the business is busy every day, a fun work environment will keep everyone motivated and inspire each other to work together to achieve your team’s goals. The positive emotions of high employee engagement can even spread throughout the business and improve employee-client bonds.

Fortunately, there are many ways how you can increase employee engagement and down below are 10 great activities you can do in your workplace to get you started:

1. Team lunches

Whether you have a small or large team, scheduling team lunches is a perfect way to get everyone to talk to each other. It is also a great way to show the team that you are ready to listen to them and value their presence.

2. DIY Workshops

You can also schedule DIY workshops to foster creativity and help the team unwind after a complex project. Some of the things you can do are make personalized pottery, make greeting cards, and paint. Aside from fostering creativity and unwinding, it is a great way to promote cooperation and enjoy each other’s company.

3. Escape Rooms

Escape rooms can also be a perfect team-building activity that everyone may enjoy. Not only do they need to cooperate with one another to figure out the clues, but they also need to use their problem-solving skills to complete the challenge.

4. Desk Decorations

Another significant challenge you can do to encourage your employees is to challenge them to decorate their desks. You can change the theme each month and encourage everyone to join. Of course, make sure to award the winner with a worthwhile prize that they can use.

5. Trivia or Quiz Night

If decorating things differs from your team’s, then you can consider trivia or quiz night. Make them attractive by using videos and other media. You can ask your employees about various issues related to your work or pop culture. Offer prizes so everyone will be enticed to join in.

6. Communication Courses

Schedule communication courses to help your team become more open and confident. The experts handling the course can also help your team improve their communication skills, which they can use in their personal lives.

7. Online Courses

Online courses can be a great way to engage with remote employees and help them join your team. Some courses you can try include online mixology, virtual exercises and online cooking.

8. Office Olympics

If you genuinely want to get the entire office involved, why not host an office Olympics? You can choose several games your team can play together and make it a multi-staged competition. At the end of it, you can have a closing ceremony where you will present the prizes to the winners.

9. Volunteering

Volunteering helps boost employee engagement, which the entire team can do in their free time or at special company events. When one gives back to the community, they gain a sense of belonging and feel they contributed. You can work with organizations that share your vision or that your team picked together.

10. Coffee

If you want your team to spend much less money, why not have coffee together? You can schedule it during your break or visit your local coffee shop. If you have remote teams, have them join the rest of the team through Zoom, Skype or Facetime.

The activities we listed above are just some of the activities you can introduce in your workplace to boost employee engagement. Before trying it out, adjust the activity to suit your team’s characteristics and likes. When you find the perfect activities for your team, schedule them accordingly so your employees always have something to look forward to and keep them excited about going to work every day.

Looking for other engagement ideas for team building? Check out these:
Totally Awesome Employee Engagement Ideas
4 Employee Perks that Won’t Bust The Budget of SMEs
Extrinsic & Intrinsic Motivation In Your Workplace

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