20 Best Productivity Products to Help You Improve This Year

With the many daily distractions, everyone is trying to find ways around it and become more productive. Whether we work from home or at the office, it is tough to focus, even if we strive hard to overcome it.

Fortunately, productivity tools in the market can support our efforts to become more productive and successful. If you need some ideas, here are 20 great examples of products you can try out:


Do you need help managing your work, team, and processes? Proofhub is a comprehensive tool for managing tasks, organising the team, and recording time in one interface. The interface allows you to distribute tasks and share documents with your team.


Infinity is an excellent tool for helping the entire team stay in sync and on top of their tasks. Some tasks with Infinity include time tracking, task management, and team communication.


While your regular phone calendar may work, this specific calendar app can help you streamline your schedule thanks to AI. It can be connected to your other digital calendars, making it easier for you to share events and automate the scheduling of regular events.


Want a work-oriented team collaboration and productivity tool? Slack gained immense popularity for allowing teams to communicate and collaborate on one platform. It also allows teams to learn new updates about ongoing projects.


Don’t want to use various apps to collaborate and communicate with your team? You may wish to consider Chanty. In this app, you can communicate directly with your team through either video or audio calls, distribute tasks and even leave voice messages.


Another great collaboration and project management tool you can consider to help you boost productivity. With this app, you can share, track and manage your team’s files in one platform.

Google Docs

If you have a Google account, you have heard of Google Docs. Creating documents in the app and sharing them with others makes it very easy to collaborate even while on the go. You can even edit your documents electronically offline, and they’ll be updated once you go back online.


Although it is an old communication platform, Skype is still popular among many for communicating with peers. As part of their efforts, the platform has included new features to help people stay up-to-date with the app.


Zoom is an excellent tool for remote conferencing for teams. It uses cloud-based services to help make video conferencing more efficient, even if more than 100 people are on the same call.


Want to track your team’s work times and make invoicing or payments efficiently based on the amount of time spent on the tasks? Hubstaff can make things easier for you. Not only does it allow you to track the time each member spent on their work, but you will also be able to invoice, make payments, and even create reports for your team to review.

Time Doctor

Time Doctor also offers time-tracking software that allows you to determine how much time each employee uses. This tool is highly recommended if your team works remotely.


Do you have a way to look at your ideas and keep your notes in one place? Evernote can help you with that! You can even share entire notebooks and even edit your notebooks offline.


Are you using Microsoft for your tasks? You can use OneNote for your note-taking needs. You can add additional information, such as audio and video, to these notes and share it with your team. 


Box Notes is another online app for taking notes. The team can edit and share the notes in real-time without worrying about security risks.


Are you a business owner and would like a better way to look at all your accounting information? Freshbooks is the productivity program for you. In this program, you can browse your invoices, payments, credits and taxes all in one place. The program also has a time-tracking app to help you reach your targets.

Noise-cancelling headphones

You can also benefit from noise-cancelling headphones as you focus on your work. With these on, you can drown out any noise distracting you from your work. You can even play your favourite music as you focus on your work.

Info alarm clocks

Have you ever heard of info alarm clocks? These clocks can help you stay on schedule while providing critical information you need to know when you wake up, such as news and weather. They can also be programmed to inform you about important events, recent messages, and other things you may need for your work.

Aromatherapy diffusers

If you find it hard to focus on your work because of the ambience of your workspace, consider adding aromatherapy diffusers. This will help you focus and feel more comfortable as you do your job.

Standing desks

Standing desks also help you stay productive. Since you will be standing most of the time, you need to be alert to avoid falling while focusing on your work.

Desk exercise equipment

You can invest in desk exercise equipment to help you unwind and release stress. This equipment can also help you stay fit and recharge!

Whether you use one or more of these productivity tools, it is undeniable that they can help immensely optimise your tasks and give you more time for other things. It will also help you focus on your targets, whatever they may be. However, for these tools to be practical, you must make sure they genuinely work for you and that you can naturally adapt them to your daily activities. Once you find the perfect tools, you will notice a big difference in your performance.

Want more tips on how to improve your productivity? Check out these:
10 Brain Hacks For When You Can’t Focus @ Work
Best Technology Gadgets to Boost Our Productivity and Comfort when We Work from Home
Being Productive @ Work: What Are The 5 Time Wasting Things You Do At Your Desk

Can’t get enough of MiddleMe? You can find me sharing my thoughts here as well: 
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