2024 Savor Summer Scholarship Decision

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The decision has been made about the 2024 Savor Summer Scholarship!

Did you or your students apply this year?

The competition was fierce for the 2024 Savor Summer Scholarship!

There were many beautiful submissions, and it was hard to narrow down the winners and pick just one.

As a result, I decided to select two winners this year.

And the winners are…




Congratulations to both of you!

Be sure to check your home mailboxes in the next few weeks for your official letters and follow-up instructions.

2024 Savor Summer Scholarship Winners Monica Matthews at how2winscholarships

If you or your students applied for the 2024 Savor Summer Scholarship and are wondering how the applications can be strengthened for next year and for other scholarships, use the tips below for an inside look.

Be sure to also use the strategies found in the How to Win College Scholarships ebooks for parents and their students to learn how to apply SMART.

This is what the scholarship winners did that was so impressive:

  • The essays started with a hook and captivated me as soon as I started reading (Learn more about the scholarship essay hook here.)
  • Each essay included a creative title
  • Both applications and all required materials arrived with beautiful presentation and were organized clearly and neatly
  • The letters of recommendation were very personal, heartfelt, and detailed
  • They did not make any of the scholarship application mistakes listed below and obviously knew what it meant to apply SMART

Here are some reasons applicants were not selected:

  • Missing required documents (Letter of recommendation, school transcripts, essay, application form)
  • No contact information (or even a name in one instance) for the letter of recommendation writer
  • Letters of recommendation were addressed to “Dear Admissions Officer” or something similar
  • Mailed-in applications contained sheets without any identifying information about the student
  • The essay was one long, hard-to-read paragraph with no page breaks.
  • Some scholarship resumes were longer than the recommended one page (I know this is difficult for some students, but it can be done!)
  • Not following basic directions. For example, sending two letters of recommendation when only one was requested.
  • Parents obviously submitted the applications for their students (I am all about parents partnering with students, but they should not do all of the work, and the student needs to take the lead. Please read this for more information:  Scholarship Teamwork Makes the Dream Work
  • Students who forgot to submit some of the required materials, and then would send a second email with the missing documents. This is very hard to keep track of.
  • Information found in the application was repeated in the essay. (“My name is…”) The judges already know this and it wastes valuable word space.
  • Applications that were filled out in pencil
  • The required information was stuffed into a small envelope, arriving torn and partially burst open
  • Applications that were emailed after the July 1 deadline (Or postmarked after July 1)
  • Essays that were written as a letter (“Dear Scholarship Committee…”)
  • Basic directions were not followed, such as the required subject line text for applications submitted via email

I share these details to help applicants find future scholarship success if they are wondering why they weren’t selected as a winner for the 2024 Savor Summer Scholarship.

Students, don’t give up on applying for scholarships, but if you are not winning them, something needs to change.

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Open to High School Freshmen, Sophomores, Juniors, and Seniors! APPLY NOW HERE

If you are still looking for scholarships with summer deadlines, be sure to check out this list of scholarships with August deadlines found right HERE and subscribe to my scholarship email list (it’s free) by going HERE.

Make sure the SMART strategies are used for every scholarship application!

What does it mean to apply SMART?

Watch this short video now:

“Hi Monica, I just wanted to say thank you for the advice, tips, and support you offer parents going through this journey to fund college. My family has been using your strategies, and it has been a huge blessing to my twin sons as they have been applying. Chick-fil-A just named their new Community Scholars, and both twins are recipients. Originally, there were supposed to be 12 winners, but they felt their applications were too similar and expanded it to 13. We are so grateful to God.” – A.M., Scholarship Help and College Talk for Parents group member


I also recommend this book as the perfect companion to the How to Win College Scholarships ebooks:

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