I asked a bunch of LinkedIn experts to rate my profile

I asked a bunch of LinkedIn experts to rate my profile

This article is the third and final instalment of our ‘Confessions of a LinkedIn amateur’ series. Follow Debut’s own Content Creator Alex Ekong as he navigates the minefield of employability and personal branding on his way creating his very first LinkedIn profile. Hello, precious Debutants. First of all, let’s all take time to welcome me … Read more

How to get more responses to your emails, according to science

How to get more responses to your emails, according to science

The best/worst thing about emails? Not having read receipts. It’s obviously great for the recipient – you can just keep ignoring that poor sap on the other end until you’re ready to respond. However if you’re, let’s say, a job-seeker praying for that manna-from-heaven follow-up on a job application? You don’t wanna keep waiting forever. Lucky for … Read more

13 mistakes job applicants make that will cost them the job

13 mistakes job applicants make that will cost them the job

It’s a hard life out there for graduates. Uni doesn’t really teach you how to truly prepare for the big, bad world of work, so you’re constantly having to guess your way through applications. Still, it’s important to take the initiative and prepare for every eventuality. As someone who’s both been through the grueling job application process … Read more

Exploring Cove Backup | A Comprehensive Guide

In today’s digital age, protecting valuable data is paramount, whether for personal or professional use. Cove Backup offers a robust solution for safeguarding important files, documents, and media against loss or corruption. In this article, we’ll delve into Cove Backup, examining its features, benefits, setup process, and key considerations for users seeking reliable data protection. … Read more