Salam from Shanghai

Written by Zhao Gu Gammage (Haverford College), Student at CET Shanghai, Spring 2024 While I’ve become accustomed to greeting in Chinese 你好, (nǐ hǎo), I absolutely delight in using the Arabic greeting, سلام (salam). The first time I used the Arabic greeting in China was when I stumbled onto a mosque while walking along the Suzhou river. … Read more

Payroll Administrators: 20 Skills and Qualities to Possess

A payroll administrator, like accountants, holds a crucial role within every organization. Their job involves handling large sums of money on a daily basis to ensure that employees are paid accurately and on time. From making complex calculations to processing payments within strict deadlines, this is a challenging, demanding and fulfilling role. To successfully fulfil their … Read more

Subtle set design narrates Hulu’s minimalist film

Production design plays a critical role in storytelling, particularly in films like Hulu’s ‘No One Will Save You’. This minimalistic movie, with limited characters and minimal dialogue, heavily leans on the visual elements to narrate the story. Through artful set designs and strategically placed props, the plot and the characters’ complex mental journey are subtly … Read more

Unveiling 2024’s influential game-changers in art

Unveiling the Influential 100 of 2024. This illustrious list features game-changers in fields such as photography, illustration, and fashion design. These pioneers redefine brands, telling compelling narratives through their art, and inspire others with their vision and dedication. Their contributions have international reach, proving influence and creativity know no borders. Among these cultural revolutionaries is … Read more