Experian introduces service merging offline and online data

Experian has announced the launch of a new service called Experian Third-Party Onboarding. This exciting development aims to integrate offline and online consumer data for advertising purposes, doing away with the need for third-party facilitation. By combining offline and online data, the process of advertising becomes more streamlined. The removal of a third party bolsters … Read more

InvestBev merges with partners for unified platform

InvestBev, a major player in the adult beverage sector in America, has announced its plans to merge with Sprout Beverage, Algoma Capital, and BevStrat. This strategic move aims to create a singular platform to assist beverage brands from their conception to market positioning. The merger capitalizes on each company’s unique strengths and consolidates their value … Read more

Experian introduces third-party data onboarding tool

Experian has made an impactful entrance into the third-party data onboarding sector with the launch of ‘Experian Third-Party Onboarding’. Incidentally, this invention has been shaped through a successful partnership with The Trade Desk and represents Experian’s first venture into this specific industry. In essence, this new tool aims to directly correlate Experian’s physical customer data … Read more

11 Ways To Enjoy Summer When You’re Working A Full-Time Job

There you are: sitting on the beach, covered in sunscreen, reading your favorite book, drinking your favorite drink under the cool shade of an umbrella. Life doesn’t get any better than this. Suddenly, a door slams, a phone rings, a printer turns on. You jolt back into consciousness. You’re at work, sitting in your cubicle, … Read more

Study in Lithuania for International Students: Universities & Courses | Admissify

Studying at Top universities in Lithuania offers you a wide range of courses, including Medicine, Law, and Engineering Sciences, with excellent career opportunities for graduates. For example, a Lawyer in Lithuania can expect an average monthly salary of INR 1.3L, whereas an Engineer typically earns around INR 1.5L. Even the data have shown that Lithuania … Read more