Best Small Business Accounting Software for Mac 2024

Accounting is a crucial aspect of managing a small business, and finding the right software is essential for efficient financial management. For Mac users, selecting accounting software that is compatible with their operating system is imperative. In this guide, we’ll explore the best accounting software options specifically designed for small businesses using Mac computers. We’ll … Read more

My Time Abroad in Japan

My Time Abroad in Japan

Authored by Luigi Medel    Greetings, my name is Luigi Medel and I have just returned from a semester abroad in Japan and have been granted the opportunity to write about my time there. Thanks to CIEE and my home university, I was allowed to explore Japan and live there for around 4 months in … Read more

Operational Debt: What It is and Why It Matters – Eat Your Career

Operational Debt: What It is and Why It Matters – Eat Your Career

In the busyness of everyday life, it’s easy to adopt a “do it later” mindset, especially when tasks seem small or insignificant. However, this approach can lead to something called “operational debt,” a buildup of unfinished tasks that can seriously hinder your productivity. I found myself falling into this bad habit recently, so I’m not … Read more