Though I am enrolled in the DIS Furniture Design program, I am an artist first. In recent years I have been practicing the art of plein air. The French term ‘En plein air’ translates to ‘In the open air.’ On-site painting causes me to really study the place I am in, from the cracks in the pavement to the order of the bricks. Painting a public place with an ever changing environment speeds up the process allowing no room for contemplation.
When I look back at my paintings, I can recall every moment that affected me as my brush touched the paper. While most people see a simple stroke, I see a conversation I had with a person who came to watch me work. With every painting I sit for, there are stories attached to it. These are some stories I experienced while painting abroad.
Saturday In Helsingør

The first time I visited Helsingør a few weeks ago I knew I had to return. On my third visit to the town I brought my paints in order to capture the bustling town street. Saturdays are special because the street market is open for business and local shopping is in full swing. I walked around the town a little bit to find a street that summarizes the vibe of a Saturday in Helsingør. There are many antique stores littered with endless treasures. After I found a spot and started working an old woman came up to me only speaking Danish. Neither of us knew each other’s language. But she had the biggest smile on her face when she demonstrated with her hands that she drew too. “Es my es hobby” she spoke. We both came to an understanding of each other, she said goodbye and strolled away giddy with her partner.
I got more visits from many people that day. Many adults bring their kids over to show them the artist at work. I understand how animals feel when they are in a zoo. I’m used to it. I suppose no matter what country, people are going to stop and stare. Once I finished the sun was low in the sky. I got ice cream and soaked in more of the town before saying goodbye.
A Birch In Store Dyrehave

I visited the town of Hillerød initially to gaze upon Fredriksborg castle. I spent a few hours there, then I still had the rest of the day to burn. I saw there was a nearby forest and realized after being in the city for a while I could use a refreshing nature walk/adventure. When I stepped in the entrance of the forest I was met with the dark drapery of a forest canopy above. I started by following any path that jumped out in front of me. A healthy forest will have a mossy floor and this forest was almost completely carpeted in soft green moss. I kept walking until I found a soft bed of moss to rest on. It was here in front of me I saw a quaint Birch tree illuminated by the sun parting in the cloudy sky. I was not without company as ants, slugs, and snails were all around me. I was completely without humans, and it was very peaceful and exactly what I needed.
The Royal Danish library

One of the places in Copenhagen that I loved from the first time I laid eyes on it was the Library. The Black Diamond library has a sky tunnel connecting the new to the Royal Danish Library. It retains such class and maintains productivity. I was very enamored with the main study room, which has a specific sign placed in front of the door stating “no photos.” Well, how can I capture this beautiful room without taking photos of it? Why, paint it of course!
It took me periodic visits to the library between class and on weekends over the course of three weeks. This was a bigger painting, with an immense amount of detail. The chandeliers are adorned with hammered brass flower appliques while the pillars hold stories of animals chiseled in marble. One of the biggest challenges was the avoidance of people to capture only the room. Every time I visited the library I had to sit in the same seat each time in order to maintain the same perspective. I realized there were way less people in the mornings, not to mention better sunlight, so I needed to plan on days with no class. Eventually I finished adding hints of extra colors to spice up the white walls.
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