After 5.5 months of unemployment, I finally started a remote job/project

For the past 5.5 months, I have been constantly applying for jobs, maybe 50+ applications each month, but in the first 3-3.5 months, I only managed to get 7 interviews, all of which ended unsuccessfully. During this period, I have to say that I was on the brink of stress and depression. It was an incredibly tough time. I hope everyone looking for a job finds what they’re searching for soon and escapes this awful situation. The issue isn’t just the feelings experienced while job hunting and getting rejections; it’s also a process that leads to questioning yourself from the perspective of close friends and family. I don’t think anyone deserves this. Anyway, don’t worry, the story has a happy ending.

During this process, I paid someone to create my resume, had someone else review it, and used a lot of paid services, but none of them worked. Especially LinkedIn, which is a complete mess. I really don’t know what it does besides taking money. All the job postings are nothing but lies.

I was looking for a front-end developer position, so I was focusing on remote jobs. I also tried platforms like Fiverr and Upwork during my job search. But honestly, you need to develop your profile for a long time to get jobs from there. Maybe if I had done this months ago, it would have worked, but I didn’t want to constantly message people and try to get jobs this way. (Don’t blame me for not wanting to waste time because it’s not worth the effort, especially if you’re 36; if you’re a student, maybe.)

Two months ago, I decided that doing the same things and expecting different results was foolish, so I decided to change my strategy. I started sending my resume to many HR firms worldwide, both manually and with an application. Since I was looking for remote work, I thought global submissions would be beneficial. And ta-da! A week ago, I started a one-year project in Germany with a very good salary. During this year, I will continue to look for jobs. But at least I will save a lot of time and money. So, even if I can’t find a job after a year, I won’t experience the same stress I went through in the past 5 months because I’ll have savings.

Being in this awful situation for 5-6 months really took a toll on my mental health and wore me down. It was truly unbearable, and I still can’t believe these days are over. To describe my happiness, I would say, “Butterflies are coming out of my mouth.” If you have read this long post, I really appreciate your time and interest.

submitted by /u/necktie256
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