Australian Government Research Training Program Scholarship(2024) | Admissify

Dreaming about studying in another country is a dream that unites students worldwide. Yet, the cost can be a big obstacle for many. The Australian Government Research Training Program (RTP) Scholarship (International) presents itself as a golden opportunity for those who wish to become researchers and scholars. This respected scholarship not only eases financial worries but also provides chances to access education and research of top level in Australia.

What is this Australian scholarship exactly, you ask? Well, Australia Government Research Training Program Scholarships (AGRTPS) (International) are set up to assist international students in carrying out a Higher Degree in the realm of research at Australian universities. AGRTPS is granted to applicants who show excellent ability for self-governing research. Additionally, AGRTPS are considered based on academic accomplishment, academic research training and indicators of performance in research.

Key Information

Specifics Details
Country Australia
Scholarship Duration 3 years with possible extension
Payment Term Paid fortnightly
Level of Study Postgraduate Research
Deadline Varies

Eligibility Criteria

The scholarship will be awarded to those who: 

  1. You are a citizen of an overseas country other than New Zealand, but you do not have Australian citizenship, permanent residency in Australia or New Zealand citizenship.
  2. Plan to start studying in Australia full-time for a higher degree through research, it will be my first time doing so and this will be in the year when award is offered. Students who began their higher degree by research last year but because of time they applied for admission and later enrollment could not apply for AGRTPS that same year, or students who started studying a higher degree by research only to end within six months from starting may also be considered; and
  3. Want to join in a field of research focus. These are the parts where the University is strong, has concentrated its study resources and has drawn external funding;
  4. Meet all the entry criteria for a research-based advanced degree, which incorporate the English language competency.


Research Training Program Scholarship (Fee Offset)

For students pursuing a master’s degree by research, the full cost offset is available for up to two years, or for up to four years if they are pursuing a doctorate.

Research Training Program Scholarship (Stipend and Fee Offset)

  1. A complete coverage of fee for two years is given to students pursuing a Masters by Research degree, and up to four years for those in a doctoral program.
  2. Living expenses of AUD 37,000 or INR 20 Lakhs every year pro rata (2024 rate for full-time study) for a maximum period of two years if the student is pursuing a Master by Research degree or three and half years if they are doing a doctorate. The living cost may be adjusted each year and covers some paid leaves like sick days, maternity leave and time off work related to parenting.
  3. Students relocating from outside of Australia will receive a relocation allowance of AUD 3,000 or INR 1.7 Lakhs.
  4. For foreign students who need a student visa in order to study in Australia, there is the Overseas Student Health Cover (OSHC) Single Membership.

How to apply?

For RTP Scholarship, the way to apply can differ from one university to another. But, typically it goes like this:

  1. Select a University and Research Program: Applicants need to choose an Australian university that provides a research program in line with their study interests.
  2. Collect Essential Papers: Bring together needed papers like academic records, proposals for research, recommendation letters and verification of English skills.
  3. Submit an Application: Apply directly through the chosen university’s admissions office.
  4. RTP Scholarship: While you are applying, express your interest in the RTP Scholarship. At some universities, applicants are automatically considered for the RTP. Other universities might need a distinct application form for it.

The qualified university in charge of overseeing the RTP application, selection, and offer process must receive applications for a new RTP stipend, allowance, or fees offset immediately. The scholarship office at the university of their choice should be contacted by students seeking information on the RTP application process and important deadlines.


The Australian Government Research Training Program (RTP) Scholarship, not only provides financial assistance but also aids in creating future leaders within the field of research and innovation. For those who are from other countries and wish to study for a research degree in Australia, this scholarship presents an exceptional chance to enhance their academic path while making contributions towards worldwide knowledge. If you are prepared for a thrilling exploration into the world of research, think about applying for the RTP Scholarship. This could be your initial stride towards a better tomorrow.


How long is the RTP Scholarship duration? 

    Usually, scholarships are awarded for two years or more for master’s degrees through research. Moreover, a doctorate program may take up to four years, with potential extensions.

    How is the RTP Scholarship awarded? 

      The fellowship is given out in accordance with the university’s strategic research interests, research potential, and academic merit. Every university oversees its own admissions procedure.

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