Bad work anxiety

TL;DR: 33F having extreme anxiety around working a new position. Should she stay or go?

So I am 33F. I have had many jobs in my life, but they have been contract roles ever since Covid.

I have been doing well with managing my anxiety without meds. Deep breathing, journaling, and keeping my mind on the positive have been great for helping me with that. I rarely have anxious symptoms, but it used to be a major problem for me.

Last month, my department was dismantled and the duties were sent to India so I was scrambling to get another position. I landed one exactly one week afterward. I was thrilled. It was much more money than my previous position, a permeant position and I was excited about having a bit more responsibility.

I started and the social setting is so so social. I do not like to have full on conversations all day. Water cooler talk is fine, but my team yaps all day long. I will need to be leading multiple meetings weekly. I feel like if the work was just the work I wouldn’t have so much anxiety, but because there is a huge social component to this job, I am breaking down and having multiple anxiety attacks a day. I also am being just…weird at work and i’m not sure why. It’s probably the anxiety. Supposedly the team gets tons of work dumped on them. And I have already experienced needing to work at night/early morning to get something done. This apparently is a pretty regular occurrence.

I really am already burnt out. It’s Saturday and I literally just threw up thinking about the work I will need to be doing on Monday. The person they hired on before me quit the first day. I am heading into week three and thought that everything would get better day by day, but the work and the anxiety is getting worse daily. I want to quit but I don’t want to regret it in a month. But I also don’t want to waste their time if I’m going to quit eventually anyway. I know I won’t be able to be in this position for very long based off the culture and the level of work that they are requesting.

I do have a side hustle that brings in about $2.5k/mo, which I might need to stop if I decide to keep working here as my coworkers have talked about more 60 hour weeks than not.

Has anyone else dealt with something like this before? I have literally never had this level of anxiety about a job before. I’m not sure if I should just tough it out and apply to jobs on the side, or if I should leave and apply to jobs like it’s my job.

submitted by /u/Tr0ncatlady
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