College Scholarship Tip: Note Details and Check Emails

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College Scholarship Tip: Note Details and Check Emails

You or your student might have won a scholarship, but might not get the money if you don’t follow this college scholarship tip!

College Scholarship Tip - Note Details and Check EmailsYou may also like:  Quick Easy College Scholarships

When submitting a college scholarship application, always make note of the amount offered and the date the winners will be notified. It may seem like a simple step, but when students are waiting to hear who has won a scholarship they have applied for, knowing the date is really helpful. (Use the Scholarship Toolkit Organizer and easily keep track of all scholarship details and information. Learn more about it HERE.)

Students should also regularly check the scholarship email they have set up (see more on setting up a scholarship email here) to make sure they don’t miss any notifications from scholarship providers. Oftentimes, more information is needed, especially if a student has made it into the next level or round of a scholarship competition. 

If these emails are not answered and the information is not provided in a timely manner, the scholarship is forfeited and valuable scholarship money may be lost.

College Scholarship Tip: Note Details and Check Emails Click To Tweet

After all the hard work put into applying for college scholarships, NO ONE wants that to happen.

ONE FINAL TIP:  When checking scholarship emails, also look in spam folders, as emails from unknown senders may get sent there and missed by the student. 

Keeping accurate documentation on each scholarship is a MUST, and checking scholarship emails regularly is just plain SMART!

You can learn ALL of my winning college scholarship tips and SMART applying strategies by reading my How to Win College Scholarships ebooks for parents and their students.

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College Scholarship Tip - Note Details and Check Emails

BONUS: Get your FREE download of my 10 BEST COLLEGE SCHOLARSHIP TIPS that will show you how to find and win more money for school right here now

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