Describe A Sport That You Only Have Watched Before But Have Not Played Yourself: IELTS CUE CARD | Admissify

The IELTS exam is an important requirement for all the universities in the abroad nations. So, if you are planning to study abroad, you will be required to appear for the IELTS exam. It is the language that measures the proficiency in the English language. cue cards the part of the speaking section of the exam. You will be required to appear for all four seasons. In this blog post, we have discussed the model answers for the cue card, Describe A Sport That You Only Have Watched Before But Have Not Played Yourself.

Model Answer: Describe A Sport That You Only Have Watched Before But Have Not Played Yourself

What Is That Sport?

I love watching many sports and I enjoy Playing many of the sports games. Today, I will talk about that one sport which I have watched but I have not played it.

When Did You Watch It?

I watched a sports baseball with my school friends at one of my friends’ homes. It was the time when I always wanted to play the game but, my friends were never rid of the cricket matches.

How Do You Feel About It?

I started enjoying baseball matches and games but whenever I asked my friends to play baseball, they always play cricket. Although, there are many differences between the two games. The main difference starts with the number of players playing the game.

Model Answer: Describe A Sport That You Only Have Watched Before But Have Not Played Yourself

What Is That Sport?

Basketball is the one sport that I always wondered about from my childhood. The game is about the match between the two teams, trying for more goals. It is a foul when the ball touches the body, you can use your hand.

When Did You Watch It?

They watched the first basketball match at my school when there was an inter-school competition. I was amazed by the way of played basketball. 

How Do You Feel About It?

Despite wanting to play the basketball, I am not able to play Because of my leg injury, which required me to take care of myself very strictly. If I do not take care of my legs, I might lose them. In the end, watching the basketball matches always inspired me a lot and I desire to play basketball for once.

Model Answer: Describe A Sport That You Only Have Watched Before But Have Not Played Yourself

What Is That Sport?

I would like to talk about the sport of river surfing. It is all about surfing in either standing waves or in tidal bore waves in a river. River surfing always requires a lot of practice to deal with the high water pressure.

When Did You Watch It?

I first watched this sport on television, when I was searching for some of the best songs. I saw two ladies competing with each other to win the race.

How Do You Feel About It?

I always wanted to play this sport but my fear of water has never allowed me to enjoy the sport. Even though I have tried to enjoy river surfing, I was not able and it caused health issues.

Followup Questions: Describe A Sport That You Only Have Watched Before But Have Not Played Yourself

How do you like to watch a sports match? Live or on TV?

As a sports fan, I love watching and following sporting events. But because I had less time, I watched it on TV. Overall, watching matches on TV has many benefits, but watching them at the stadium provides a higher level of excitement.

Why do people like to watch live sports?

People like to watch live sports because of the atmosphere and excitement of the stadium. Today, thanks to advances in technology, these sporting events look better than before on television but still need the intensity and atmosphere of live matches. You feel like you are playing a game when you are in the stadium.

Which sport do Indians watch the most?

In India, no sport can replace cricket because cricket has the largest market share when it comes to sports. However, Indians also started watching many sports like basketball, tennis, hockey, etc.

Does competition benefit students?

Yes, competition benefits students because it helps them realize the many wonderful qualities they possess. It teaches them how to strategize, execute plans and strive to achieve their goals with dedication, discipline and determination.

Can sports be a good career option for students?

Yes, as the sports industry has grown significantly, it is a viable career option for students. But to have a promising sports career, you must benefit from the right guidance and maintain good physical and mental health.

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