Does Verbal Warning mean you're getting fired?

My power was shut off due to a mistake on my end. It turns out I wasn’t paying electricity for 2 years and owe money. They weren’t shutting off power due to COVID back in 2020 when I moved into the place. I had thought I was paying but wasn’t. After arguing with the power people on the phone and finding out that I owed 30k worth of electricity, I had to call at 7 a.m. to get it turned back on. I couldn’t sleep for some reason, and after tossing and turning in bed for 8 hours with no power and a dead phone I tried to get out of the house. I wasn’t thinking and decided to just get work done and do some laundry at the laundry mat. So I got dressed and began to pack up my car. I was supposed to work remotely this day and my job started at 9 but it was about 3 or 4 a.m. I thought I could go cool off take my mind off things and be back by 7 to get my power back on and start working at around 9.

I brought my clothes out to the patio and locked the apartment door behind me. I then got my work laptop and iPad and put it in the car directly in front of my patio. I walked back to my patio and quickly got my clothes and detergent. As I was coming out to the patio I noticed 4 guys coming out in masks breaking into cars, and checking for unlocked doors. One of them had a bat and the other had a crowbar. I quickly dipped back into the patio unseen and watched them get into my car. I could not lock the door, because my key fob was broken and only locks manually. I just watched and hid in my patio as they took my belongings including my work laptop. I got back to the car and noticed all my stuff was cleaned out. I charged my phone in the car and called the police. I was pretty confident I could get the stuff back because they had my iPad and were able to pull up the “Find My” app.

After calling the police, they investigated and caught up to the thieves and got everything returned along with everyone else’s belongings that got stolen. I was afraid there might have been a sticker on the laptop taken off. I told my manager and he pulled me in an online meeting. He asked me for the full story, I tried to explain but then said he didn’t want any details because it was too personal. The sticker was off because I had gotten my laptop fixed for maintenance and they had taken it off. My boss said nothing was breached or no data has been corrupted. He told me not to leave valuables in my car overnight. I tried to explain that I was packing my car up and it was right in front of me. I felt If I had gone out while they were doing the raiding, I could have been beaten. It is a good thing they didn’t see me. I ended up getting a verbal warning and saying that I was lucky I got it back, and I could have been terminated if I didn’t, due to negligence. Are they building a case to fire me? or is a Verbal Warning just nothing to worry about?

submitted by /u/Jeffreyjellyfish33
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