Dos and Don’ts of Regulating AI as a Manager

With artificial intelligence’s capabilities rapidly expanding every year, calls for its regulation have been growing in every industry. Fears of AI taking over many tasks and leading to massive layoffs are the key arguments against AI, and governments have slowly heeded calls to take action.

At the workplace, companies apply their policies to try to regulate AI use. Some have met some resistance, while others have gotten some results. If you want to apply your AI regulations well, here’s what you need to remember:


Know the AI

Before applying AI to your system and building the regulations for it, you must make sure that you know the AI that will be used. You must also make sure you know how algorithms are made, what information will be collected, and so on.

Create A Straightforward Algorithm Free From Risky Applications

While developing the algorithm for your chosen AI, make sure to create a risk tier for applications and ban those that are dangerous for the business. Your team should also be given a clear guide to follow so they can work within the algorithm set.

Have A Beta Test For All Algorithms

You should also take the time to beta-test the algorithms before applying them throughout the workplace. A beta test will ensure the algorithms are written perfectly, and all errors are discovered and corrected.

Educate your Team

For AI to work as intended and without issues, you need to ensure that your team knows how to use it well. It would help if you also taught them about AI’s limitations and how they can spot errors.


Do Not Copy And Paste Algorithms

One reason people are calling for AI regulation is the nature of the algorithms used for these systems. While AI comes with basic algorithms for it to be usable, companies that are using it for the first time make the error of not modifying these algorithms and only copying them. Take the time to review the algorithms used and double-check their results.

Do Not See It As An Expert

AI should be seen as something other than an expert regarding the tasks it is assigned to do. It needs to be more accurate, and its capabilities still have limitations. Remember that you should still review its work and tweak it further to make the perfect output.

Do Not Cheap Out On Security And Privacy

Your AI mustn’t produce output that uses private and sensitive data. Ensure the AI you use is secure and complies with privacy standards.

Do Not Fear It

AI is made to help humans do their tasks, not to take over anyone’s jobs. One must be open to understanding its benefits to overcome any risk it has. If your team is sceptical, invite experts who can explain how AI benefits the business.

Given its continuous development, imposing effective AI regulation consistently throughout the workplace will be challenging. It is also hard to avoid using AI, especially now that it is embedded in many business applications. However, if you have the foundations ready and keep up with the updates, you can adjust your AI regulations and ensure that your work does not pause for any reason when new AI is introduced. Use this guide to get started and see what works for you.

Finding easy-to-comprehend AI articles? Here you go:
Why Are People Scared Of Generative AI
How to Design an AI Marketing Strategy
Why AI Can Never Replace Writers

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