Had a job interview today and I tanked it

We agreed on a time the day before and I Am 100% it was 11:00 AM. I show up at 10:45 and get there early like an obvious person trying to make a good impression. I wear work jeans, black shoes, and a polo. (Job is a warehouse so nothing formal required) The same guy who called me to schedule the interview basically says “how can I help you?” I’m assuming he thinks I’m a customer or something but why would he not assume I’m the guy getting interviewed. He then tells me to sit down 20 feet away for like 2 minutes. I hear him say “he’s early” and I’m thinking it’s right before 11 this cant be too early but whatever. So he gives me a tour of the place and an interview at the same time. At most 12 minutes. Asks me what I used to do in my previous job and my experience. I end up telling him I have an open schedule and can work weekend and whenever. I can decent questions that relate to the job and that would help if I get hired. Man just seemed so energetic that I was there. After the tour/interview he walks me back to his desk and says let me get your info real quick. He then says “Matthew” and I polite correct him and give him my name. He was surprised I was early so that mean he scheduled me for the wrong time or something and then does not know who I am until the end of the interview. After giving him my name (which he should know because I introduced myself and we had an appointment set) he then looks at my resume on his computer. He then goes “ you speak Portuguese “ I make a little comment about how my parents are from South America. He then says I’ll give you a call later today. I shake his hand say thank you and hope to hear from him soon. As I’m leaving I see another interviewer walk in and at this point I’m just annoyed. I wait inside my car and wait to see how long their interview was. Maybe a few minutes longer than mine and a slightly different tour. Like why invite me to the interview and not know who I am and wait until the end to confirm my name. I’m over here expecting this guy to know the basic shit on my resume and man thinks he’s interviewing someone else. I end up looking like the guy who shows up at the wrong time several hours early. Worst thing is I’m white and everyone in the warehouse was Hispanic. I’m thinking okay good thing this guy knows I speak Spanish since it’s on my resume. Literally looking like an idiot out there. Job was great too. Pay was decent. Great hours. Paid lunch. Open dress code.

submitted by /u/OrganizationPure9987
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