Have been put on an admin leave. Could you all please advice based on the situation explained below ?

Hello everyone, I work in a bank MNC and was put on a paid admin leave last week with no clarity as to how much time will it take the final verdict to come with respect to either retaining us to terminating us. 4 of us were asked to be temporarily put on an admin leave until further notice.

Reason – They found us using certain cuss words over the MS teams chat, that we were having with each other. Now the words, GIFs that we were using was in a very social, funny, innocent and unintentional manner. Again that was very infrequent as compared to the productivity we had and the performance we were delivering. On the basis of those key words, they issued a show cause notice against us and put us on a paid admin leave until further notice and until they’re not done with investigating the entire case. They claim that this is a disciplinary process and the disciplinary action consists of the following –

  1. Final written warning/ verbal warning.
  2. Terminating us.
  3. Demotion.
  4. No future benefits – hikes/increment/bonus
  5. Any other applicable deemed to be fit and appropriate punishment.

Really confused guys, don’t know what would be the outcome. We don’t want to be terminated as it would really have a big dent on our career and would really take a lot on our ends to justify, while applying in other companies ahead.

The 4 of us are confident of a retention, as we haven’t been a pain to anyone in the team, haven’t engaged with any of the stakeholders or client with such a language and have always been diligent and honest with our work. It was just that at some times, we used to say some cuss words in a friendly manner to each other, but just via MS teams. Again, that was very very infrequent.

Also we all feel that this would be a very trivial issue to terminate someone and the most appropriate step would be to give us a final written warning or something like that.

No warning, nothing. We were given an opportunity to furnish an explanation for the same and wait for the investigation to complete after which we would be knowing the final verdict (retention/termination/disciplinary action). We have also been told to refrain from communicating with anyone except for one person, for which they’ve given us a contact.

Our only defense is that – we haven’t abused, hurt, made feel offensive, anxious, depressed or troubled anyone neither conduct wise, not verbally. It was just a fun communication between 2 friends with no names involved of any senior or any client or any client altogether. Like it was just one to one! It was so infrequent that we even remember the words and stuff we’ve done on that chat. It didn’t have any motive or didn’t indicate anything serious or malicious at all.

2 friends talking to each other and they have a problem with that ? Sounds fishy to me!

Please advice. Thanks! Sorry for the lengthy post.

submitted by /u/Fresh_Negotiation841
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