How I Landed 2 Jobs in 6 Weeks: Here’s My Strategy

The first three months of my job search were quite challenging. I was constantly applying for jobs and attending interviews but was not getting any positive feedback. This situation not only lowered my motivation but also became a significant source of stress. Every day, I started this process with new hope, but with each rejection, it became increasingly difficult. I upgraded my LinkedIn account to premium and tried reaching out to the people I needed to connect with via DM, but I can’t say it was very successful.

At this point, I realized that I needed to change my strategy. Instead of just applying for job postings, I started looking for ways to reach a wider audience. Thanks to my new strategy, I landed three fantastic job offers in just six weeks. In this process, I will share what I did and how I succeeded, along with my resources. I am confident you will find it very useful and will be thankful.

Instead of contacting companies one by one, I aimed to reach out to recruitment firms.

  1. Since I was looking for remote jobs, companies from all over the world were offering me opportunities. So, I opened Google Maps and collected the addresses of recruitment firms in each country one by one. For example, if you are trying to reach companies in Germany, zoom in on Germany and search for “recruitment.” It will list the companies one by one for you. When you visit these companies’ websites, you will see an “upload resume/cv” button. I sent my resume to each of these places. One thing to note here is that if you are looking for jobs in the US and Canada, your resume should not have a photo. For companies in Europe, it is the opposite; you should include a photo. (I used another tool for this, Canva and Google offered free solutions, but I didn’t like the results.)

If you are looking for remote jobs, the list I have already prepared (currently, the list contains the website addresses of 450+ firms, categorized by country) will definitely be useful for you. If you follow my strategy, I believe you will love this share. It took me two days to prepare the list. You can access the list here (it only covers Europe): ~Google Spreadsheet~. If you are not applying for remote jobs, you can find these firms and send your resume by conducting similar searches in your local area on Google Maps.

2) For the US and Canada (they also send to Europe), I used a tool that sends your resume to companies and helps you prepare your resume during this process. With this tool, I created both photo-included (for Europe) and photo-less resumes. After sending my resumes to the firms in the list from step 1, I used the feature here and sent my photo-less resume to over 200 recruitment firms in the US, Canada, and Europe with a single click. So, unlike before, I didn’t need to upload my resume to each company individually, and it was very helpful.

These two strategies became a turning point in my job search process. Sending my CV to many recruitment companies at once connected me with more companies and, therefore, more job opportunities. In a short time, I started receiving positive feedback. Thanks to this method, I not only found one job but received three different job offers. I accepted two of them and am now working in two jobs remotely. I dedicate four hours of my day to one job and three hours to the other, so I can work without much stress and wear.

By sharing this process and my success story, I wanted to help and inspire people who are going through tough times and looking for a job, just like I was. Change your strategy, try new methods, and never give up. I hope this article helps you and that you find your dream job and take back your life as soon as possible.

submitted by /u/soccerphenom233
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