I Finally Got a Job Offer!… AGAIN!

Hi everyone! I (32/F) just received a job offer after being unemployed since December 2023 after getting laid off. I work in Digital Marketing / Advertising, and have done so for the past 10 years.

Actually, this is the second time I’ve received an offer letter since then, so I’ve had to do this twice. In April 2024, I landed a not-so-great offer for a remote job at a start-up newsletter media company, as a Junior Brand Partner. I remember crying and taking myself to see a movie to cheer myself up because the salary and benefits were so bad. I wasn’t overly enthusiastic about the role either, as it involved a lot of prospecting and cold-calling to drum up new business. I came crying to Reddit, looking for sympathy. I lasted a whole month, as my direct manager clearly had it out for me from the very beginning and fired me because he didn’t think I could do the job. I was so shocked because I had a gut feeling that this is what he was trying to do, just not so soon into the role. I hadn’t even had the chance to perform my duties before he said that. It truly felt like the universe was out to break me…

However, I continued searching. Honestly, because I had no other choice. I don’t have the option of staying with family or relying on them for money. I hit up every contact on Linkedin that I knew was hiring. At first I was getting no bites and it was making me weary. I told myself that I needed to find a job before the end of July because I’d be officially be unable to pay my rent. During this time, I took up part-time work at a boutique store just to have some cash coming in. It started off as fun because I was only working weekends. As I took on more hours in July, I had begun to hate it. It started to feel like this was my actual job. I remember withdrawing from friendships, I muted everyone on Instagram just so I didn’t have to see photos of their European summer vacations. I feIt like an utter failure. I also moved back into my old apartment through all of this, to save on cash, so this summer has been nothing short of grueling.

The new offer letter is pretty great. Although I’ll only be making a few thousand more than what I was at the newsletter company that fired me, the benefits, my colleagues, my commute and the role itself make up for it in many ways. I’ll finally have a steady income again, I know how to do the role, my office is working on a hybrid schedule, but it’s only 30 minutes away by train (I live in a major Metropolitan City in the US), I’ll have a health insurance plan that my therapist actually recognizes… My official start date is in mid-August so I finally have time to settle in to my apartment.

I just want to be happy again.

All this to say that if you’re still on the job hunt, I see you. Just know that it is temporary and you will find something soon. This job market is a mess right now but I foresee things turning around. You got this!

submitted by /u/era_extrana02
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