I'm stuck with these jobs. What are my options?

I am 25(m). I am a professional carpet cleaner and also. chimney sweep. I make about $53k a year (43k after taxes, typically $1800-2200 a paycheck biweekly) My jobs are commission based with bonuses and tips, though there is a base salary if I don’t have jobs on the schedule or the ticket prices don’t exceed a certain amount. It let me move out of my mom’s place. I live in Colorado and the cost of living is brutal here. This was a jump from my shit pizza place job and I have been doing them for 3 years now. I got in because I was a family friend, even though I didn’t meet any of the requirements. Still, I’m starting to see that it’s still not enough. I have 3 roommates and we rent a townhome.

It actually is not enough. I have a lot of long days, often due to drive times or picky customers that waste time. I sometimes don’t get paid more if the day takes 12 hours with drive times but other days I get off early.

The carpet cleaning is a sales type job too, where I get more from up sells and reviews. I get commission from sales in the chimney sweeping end too. Problem is, in terrible with sales. Even when I get the company goals, (20% up sells with at least 10 Google reviews a pay period) I feel like the paychecks don’t get that much bigger. I was told I am underperforming sales wise out of the rest of the country, yet have the best reviews in the country. I still don’t make much money. I’m burned out and I feel like the paychecks don’t always equate to the work. Some other guy who is terrible at the actual job but good with sales (sometimes unethical) looks better to the boss and the company. I actually enjoy my jobs, but since reviews and tips are completely dependent and I’m terrible with sales, I’m starting to think I’m just not cut out for these jobs. My boss really likes me and said I don’t have to worry about my job security ever. If he wasn’t a good guy, I would have quit.

I don’t have a high school diploma, had to drop out due to getting into the workforce early. My dad died when I was 15 and I had to help pay bills. I tried to finish school but I was a super super senior (they just kicked me out when I was 20). I was not left any money for college anyway. I want to get a GED, but I have an undiagnosed learning disability of some sort. I’m sort of an idiot savant, I’m good at reading and writing (good communicator)but actually suffer at math, science, and problem solving type stuff. I don’t fit requirements for most jobs and the job market looks like garbage.

My jobs don’t pay me enough sometimes where I live and I don’t have any idea what to do. I’m feeling things are too late for me and I lack the ability to get higher pay with these jobs or with a different job. Since I’m not particularly good at education, my best bet is another trade, but I’m still worried about working 50-80 hours a week and getting burnt out and not making enough money.

I feel like I wasnt given a good start in life and I’m still suffering trying to get out of poverty. I just want to be independent and live by myself and have the ability to own my own house and nicer cars. I think $70k-80k is the requirement to live comfortably in Colorado and independently. Am I cooked (as the kids say)? What are my options?

submitted by /u/RebelRouserSchnauzer
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