Just won my Unemployment Insurance appeal!!

For context: I was let go from my job in April because my “management style did not fit the company requirements”. Which was a load of crap. It was because I did not agree with some of the other managers and HR and was vocal about it. (Big mistake, I know). I’m not a liar and I cannot hide my true feelings (it gets written all over my face). Not ideal. And I should probably work on hiding my emotions if only out of self preservation. But again, that feels like I’m lying to myself and does not call people out for their shitty behavior. If I’m upset with someone, they’re gonna know it.

ANYWAYS, so I was let go and I signed up for unemployment. Was denied in June because “applicant did not perform in accordance to company standards”. Again. Total bullshit. I worked my ass off for that company and loved that job. I put my heart and soul into everything I did and it showed. So much so, that I won “employee of the month”, was promoted, and won COMPANY WIDE accolades for my hard work and ingenuity.

I appealed and got former co-workers (including the former Marketing Director) to write testimony on my behalf. I was given a phone interview date to plead my case and my coworkers answered the call to testify on my behalf. The company in question didn’t even bother to answer the call ?

They’ve already fired my replacement. He lasted 2 months and I have no doubt they will eventually run off his replacement one way or another. The company thinks they can just use their staff however they like and if you get all “uppity” about it they throw you away like yesterday’s trash.

HR practices in nepotism (both of her children work at the facility) and she gives them preferential treatment. The son just hangs out in her office all day while doing the bare minimum, leaving a lot of the work to other employees.

It was a toxic workplace and it took me a while to realize that I am far better off now. And I was living 200+ miles away from home and my family only getting to visit them on weekends. They are thankful to have me home and my wife has been super supportive and understanding throughout this whole ordeal.

And now I can pay my bills!!! I’ve racked up over $3,000 in debt on my credit card and I’ve been extremely stressed, anxious, and depressed about the whole situation!

Guess the moral of the story is DONT GIVE UP! Don’t let the greedy bastards win. If you know you’re deserving of something FIGHT FOR IT! You are far more valuable than these corporations and their goddamn profits. Putting profits over people is disgraceful and they ALL should be ashamed of themselves.

submitted by /u/TaDow-420
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