Moved up to a position beyond my level of competency and now boss is pissed at me

Moved up to a position beyond my level of competence and now my boss is pissed at me

Need some advice. Been working here for two years now through an agency.

I was hired by this company through my agency as an accounting virtual assistant. I was in that position for 2 months before the company had to layoff employees and restructure the organization.

I was moved to a position in operations where I handled/led production (I had some training with the prod manager during my first 2 months, I had some spare time since bookkeeping doesn’t really take all full 40 hours per week.) Basically, they fired the prod manager, and I had to fill in. I did this for about a year and during this time, I was able to improve the processes, even won some money back for the company from my inventory analysis. I was told around September last year that we’ll be hiring ICs to help out with production, that I would need to train, since they’re planning to move me to a higher position — junior account management. The role will be client facing. We hired 3 new people and I trained all of them.

I started “training” under the senior acc manager January of this year. Note that before this company, I had no prior work experience. This is my first real job. I felt overwhelmed that I was being moved to the position, but the other acc managers needed help and so I sucked it up and did my best. Q1 went well, but only because during this time we focused on client communications and other basic stuff. No analysis involved. Well this Q2, I’ve been failing. The acc managers aren’t happy with me. There are certain areas where I’ve been failing for example performance analysis of campaigns, and providing client feedback or data points. I’ve been missing timelines as well because I get so much anxiety when I get asked to look at data for a client’s campaign that I just end up freezing in front of the screen and feel like I’m about to have a nervous breakdown.

A few weeks ago I asked the boss for added compensation (since my agency pays my salary right?) — I wanted for this company to supplement the part of my salary that would match my current role. My agency still thinks I’m doing bookkeeping and it’s what I’m being paid for. So, the boss came back to me with a performance pay plan. With metrics and all that. But during this same time is when I kept making mistakes at work because the acc managers kept asking me to do the stuff I’ve told them I have no solid foundation in yet, that I’m not confident to do yet since I have limited experience and exposure.

It all blew up last week when the boss had a meeting with me. He was pissed and he was vocal about it. He didn’t let me talk at all during the meeting. Just said that the picture that was painted from the feedback from my manager is one that is not good. And that he’s pissed off because now he has to go to the founder and take back what he initially got approved (my performance pay). He asked me what the hell is going on and that he doesn’t understand why I’m not retaining information since they’ve been working with me on this for 6 months now. He said he believed in me and that he’s pissed that he has to go to the founder and basically say he was wrong and that I’m not ready. He ended the meeting by saying, next week let’s talk and I wanna know three things. One, do you wanna work here cause if not I will glady call your agency and we can part ways. Two, if you do, I want to understand what is going on with you. And three, how to fix moving forward.

I have a meeting first thing Monday morning and I’m scared. I don’t know what to do. All I know is I’ve been miserable at this new role and I feel so stupid all the time. I also have bad anxiety now that I never had even when I was suddenly moved to that new prod position after the lay offs in 2022. I’m also losing confidence because I’m one of the high performers and now I’m basically the idiot. Idk what to do or even say on Monday.

submitted by /u/tiredAFpanda
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