Navigating Challenges and Embracing Joy

This week started on an unusual note with the campus going into lockdown due to ongoing demonstrations. Approximately 40 to 60 individuals set up an encampment on campus grounds without the University’s permission. To prevent any potential disruptions, including attempts by the protesters to enter our learning and working spaces, Drexel University decided to lock down all buildings and facilities. Access was restricted to those who had clearance from Drexel Public Safety.

The lockdown felt strange, bringing back memories of the COVID-19 era when everything was in lockdown and classes were held online. However, Drexel managed it very well. The proactive measures taken by the university made me feel safe. It was a learning experience in crisis management and the importance of community support. I realized how crucial it is to stay informed and adaptable in such situations. This experience taught me to appreciate the efforts of the university in maintaining safety and order, even in unpredictable circumstances.

Pool Party at Evo Apartments

Friday brought a much-needed change of pace with a pool party organized by Evo, the residence apartments. It was a fantastic event, offering a wide array of food and sodas, along with lively music played by a DJ from 12 until 4 PM. The highlight of the party was undoubtedly the giveaway, where various prizes were raffled off. My roommates and I were particularly excited about the top prize—a TV. We had a feeling we might get lucky, and as it turns out, we now have a brand-new TV in our living room! Winning the TV added a thrill to the event and made the day even more memorable.

A Day Trip to New York City

With the weather rapidly improving, my friends and I decided to take a spontaneous day trip to New York City. Our primary destination was Central Park, where we planned to enjoy a picnic. We had heard a lot about the famous NYC bagels and were eager to try them. As expected, they lived up to their reputation and were indeed some of the best we’ve ever had. Besides enjoying the delicious bagels, we wanted to bring back a special memento from the city. We found a place where we could tailor a charm necklace with NYC-themed charms, creating a personalized keepsake of our day in the Big Apple.

Reflecting on this week, it’s clear that even amidst unforeseen challenges, there are always opportunities for joy and adventure. The campus lockdown, though unsettling, was a reminder of the importance of safety and community support. The pool party and our day trip to NYC provided much-needed relaxation and excitement, reinforcing the value of balancing academic responsibilities with leisure activities.

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