Nini Kvashilava on Choosing Edmonds College

How Nini Found Her Path at Edmonds

How did you learn about Edmonds? What made you decide to attend?

I found out about Edmonds College through an agency in Georgia. I expressed interest in studying abroad and felt that the U.S. had better opportunities and a better education system

When researching schools with the agency, I really liked the fact that Edmonds College has a High School Completion program. This gave me a great chance to study abroad right away and finish my high school diploma in the U.S. while earning college credit. There were so many benefits to the program I was so excited! 

I also looked up pictures of Seattle and loved how peaceful it looked. I grew up in a city and I was drawn to the blend of city landscapes and natural surroundings of Seattle.

What was your impression of the campus? Location? People?

I found it even bigger than the pictures! I felt at home when coming to campus. Everything about it made me feel comfortable. I decided to live in a homestay with an American family. I really enjoy living in a homestay because they helped me acclimate to U.S. living easier and faster. They were patient and flexible with me as I learned about my new home. 

People on the Edmonds College campus are very nice and helpful. I found that teachers and students took the time to understand me and were patient with me despite the early language barrier. I was able to make friends early on because everyone I met was so social.

How did you like your academic experience? Teachers? Classes?

My classes are great and with the help of advisors I made a schedule with subjects that I am very interested in. I have improved my writing and communication skills through all my classes. My teachers are also so understanding and helpful. They never make me feel like I am a burden when I ask them questions.

Why did you choose your major? Is this major something other students from your home country would be interested in and please explain why?

My major is business, and I chose it primarily because of my future career goals. My father owns businesses back in my home country, and I want to be able to work with him in the future. I do not know specifically what area of business I want to focus on but I am thinking about finance. 

Business is a popular major in Georgia and a lot of students are interested in studying

this program. Studying abroad in the U.S. for this major sets us apart with our unique experience and education.

Any favorite memories of Edmonds? How were you involved on campus? Did you have a job? Join a club? Receive a scholarship?

One of my most favorite memories at Edmonds College is the new student orientation week. I met students from all over the world and learned about so many different cultures. During the final day of orientation we went on a field trip to Seattle, and it was such a great time to explore our new home city with new friends. 

I highly encourage new students to get involved on their campus. Not only will it be a great reflection on your resume but it will help you find community. 

I joined the Accounting Club, and I also found a job as an Activities Programmer at the Office of International Programs. My club participation and job are both important to me as they help grow my professional skills and help me connect with my peers.

What are your plans after graduation? Transfer? OPT?

I am planning to transfer after my associate’s degree at Edmonds College. My dream when coming to the U.S. to study abroad is to complete a bachelor’s degree. My family has always encouraged me to prioritize my education. I’m very thankful for them that I have this opportunity to study in the U.S.

What would you tell other students about Edmonds? How would you promote Edmonds College to students from your home country?

High school students from around the world should take the opportunity to do the High School Completion program at Edmonds College. It is such a great advantage to finish your High School diploma while taking college courses at the same time. 

One of the best things about Edmonds College is the resources it has for students. The library on campus is extremely helpful and also has work spaces where you can go study alone or with friends.

The Office of International Programs provides advising, fiscal help, activities, and more. As an international student on campus I feel very supported.

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