Real Stories from East Los Angeles College

International students share firsthand experiences highlighting the many benefits of ELAC.

We know that deciding where to study abroad is a big step in your academic journey. Choosing the right college or university is about finding a place that not only offers high-quality education but also supports your personal and professional growth. East Los Angeles College (ELAC) is an excellent example of such an institution.

To help you understand what makes ELAC stand out, we want to share firsthand experiences from some of our international students. Their stories highlight the supportive community, academic programs, and the many opportunities that ELAC offers, making it an ideal choice for your overseas education.

Empowering international students

Equipping Rachel for success

Rachel’s journey from Myanmar to ELAC and beyond is a great example of the possibilities available at ELAC. Her dedication, combined with the support she received here, paved the way for her acceptance into the Cal State nursing program. Rachel’s story shows how ELAC’s nurturing environment and academic excellence prepare students for success in highly competitive fields. 

Watch Rachel’s interview.

Ryan finds a community

Ryan talks about the importance of finding a community that supported adjusting to a new culture and educational system. His experiences highlight the benefits at ELAC in helping students navigate new challenges, ensuring a smooth transition into the academic and social fabric of life in the U.S. He recommends community college for other international students because it’s affordable and offers time to adjust to a new environment.

Watch Ryan’s interview.

Kind professors and new friends helped Toby

Toby from China shares how ELAC became his second home, praising the dedication of teachers and the college’s student-centered approach. His story illustrates ELAC’s commitment to making every student feel valued, supported, and empowered to achieve their academic and personal goals.

Watch Toby’s interview.

Wendy’s pathway to opportunity

Wendy’s journey from Beijing to ELAC shows the accessibility and opportunities our college offers. The absence of a TOEFL requirement and the supportive academic environment helped Wendy overcome initial challenges, highlighting ELAC’s role in enabling students to pursue their dreams without barriers.

Watch Wendy’s interview.

Why choose ELAC?

Choosing ELAC means more than selecting a leading community college in California — it means joining a community where diversity is celebrated, academic excellence is the norm, and student success is a shared goal. At ELAC, you benefit from:

  • An inclusive environment: Our campus is a diverse mix of cultures and viewpoints, encouraging a rich learning environment where every student feels at home.
  • Top-tier academic programs: With programs designed for successful transfers to respected universities and directly into competitive career fields, ELAC is a stepping stone to your future.
  • Comprehensive support: From visa assistance and language support to integration programs, ELAC is dedicated to making your educational journey in the U.S. smooth and rewarding.
  • Career development opportunities: Our internships options, job-placement services, and networking events are designed to provide practical experience and open doors to professional advancement.

Are you ready to explore the opportunities that await and take the next step in your academic career? Click here to learn more about ELAC and apply today.

Welcome to the beginning of your success story. Welcome to ELAC!

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