Start your career with a PhD at Politecnico di Milano!

This is a transcript from the Webinar of Politecnico di Milano about their PhD program that took place on 20th of July 2024

Welcome everyone. I’m really glad to see you already, with many people joining live! My name is Chiara. I work Politecnico di Milano in the Students’ Recruitment Unit. And today I’m here to inform you about the great opportunities We have at Politecnico di Milano for PhD studies. Thank you and I have some current students current, PhD students and these are very important for you I think because this will give you the opportunity to know how it is to study here, to have an experience at PhD level.

So before leaving the floor to them to just share their experience and inputs and insights. Well, I want to welcome you to the first step of your journey towards your experience at Politecnico di Milano. And this webinar today is already the first step in from our perspective because we will give you an overview of our university. Of course we will present you all the programs you might be interesting. Thank to apply too. So without further a do, I invite Mina to introduce yourself and let us know what brought you to Politecnico di Milano and the floor is yours.

Okay ladies first. Thank you so much, Chiara. Hi. I’m so excited to share my experience with you and thank you, Chiara for giving me this opportunity to explain my experience. I don’t want to say, okay, I’m Nina and this is my journey but I wanted to share my experience, which has more value. Because I live it with this experience with you. I don’t want to come back to you just as a mentor. I can give you a good opportunity to choose the right choice. Actually, I start with my journey. Originally, I’m from Iran, beautiful country. And I started my academic career from Germany, from Berlin. I studied there and get my Bachelor’s Master’s from there. And after that shift. to another master in Politecnico di Milano. When I was decided to study PhD, COVID happened and we are blocked. I was remain for two years in Iran and then come back in Italy and it started to work. Amen. Now I want one of the big four consultancy companies, and after that when i saw the positioning, at polytechnic within milano in that field which I want, currently I’m studying. You know, immediately apply for that position and it is artificial intelligence construction management. Thanks and today, I don’t want to say, okay, I’m from that department. you know i it is my background i have studied architecture i said the construction you can see everything from my CV. You can ask. But today it’s happened very nice experience and I wanted to share with you. Thank you During the lunchtime, we are together and the other students say, okay, what do you want to do after a PhD? in the Each of us have a plan. And it’s so beautiful because before starting. PhD. um okay It’s just like that. Okay. I’m a starter to study PhD or I’m going to do PhD at that university. No, everybody comes here, has a plan. Thank you What should be happening? in the future. Because I have this experience to work in a big company where you… The big four. the peak for company in the world. Thank you But I changed my plan. coming to University Politecnico di Milano and study in that field. I could create that future which I desire, I think, and I want it to be. And it is, I was so happy for that. and I wanted to share this experience because it happened exactly today at lunchtime. Thank you. two hours before. And it is important. before starting any teams to know any teams. To decide whether you want And then after that, regarding that, Make it plan. You are all mapping. It is crucial. it is crucial and I learned during my master which I did in this university and I thanks from all of the professors of Polytechnic in Milan. to teach me that. to have my life on my hands. I wanted to, okay, let’s… Yes! platform to my colleagues to explain IAE DaySelf and present with this to yourself. And after that, we can have a meeting and, you know. It’s the day. good discussion informal discussion just to being at a community here not that we are guests here I have. something like that. We have as friends right now, and you’re my friend. Thanks for watching!

Thank you so much, Mina, for breaking the ice and sharing your experience. experience. um So I might maybe ask her how if you want to tell. us about How it happened for you to be part of. Politecnico di Milano, what you’re doing now here.

Yes, yes, thank you. Thank you for having me here. Good afternoon everyone, my name is Hao Xu. and I’m currently I’m in my second year. PSG, FOMI. and I’m originally from China. I’d say, that was pretty much a blast when I found this project with the scholarship. and eventually got admitted. me. because I got a meet before my vacation. All right, hats. very little knowledge of. for me and even in Italy. I record that. is the the website obviously the website of of the media as well. organized is well designed so it’s pretty easy for me even though i had limited knowledge it’s pretty easy for me to find that That was… GSD scholarship call. with many different projects. and But generally. Thank you if you find a PhD scholarship. or with many projects there.

Generally speaking, you can find out saying two types. One is the open ones, meaning there’s no fixed topic, and you can propose your own research ideas. And you can write a recent Hwa Sa Wain Fa Nyo. I want you to be behind me first. Or you can find a medical project, meaning the topics have already been defined by your potential supervisors, and of course, you need to develop your research proposal based on the topic descriptions.

And I was pretty lucky because I found a thematical project that has taught me pretty well, aligned with my family and professional background so I’ll say it’s a perfect fit for me. And all the subsequent abdication procedures are pretty straightforward and transparent you can totally just follow the guidelines from PolyMir website and after several weeks where results came out. You can even check. We’ll find those scores you got. So it’s very transparent for you. It’s pretty efficient, I would say, from my perspective.

How is it so far? Been having a great time in Milan. Professors for leads in order, and administrative staff in Bolimi are very supportive. And imagine that I don’t speak Italian yet, but most of my close friends here are Italians and they’re pretty friendly. I learned a lot from them besides the Talons. So yeah, I really enjoy my time here in Milan. Pretty soon I will go to Paris for my area abroad. So this is another great thing about Holy Mead encourages all PhD students to go abroad, to another university or institution, to have some collaboration experience.

In my case, I will go to Paris because we have some collaboration in a university in Paris, and even our salary will be increased during this period so it’s very nice. This is a general perspective from my side on PolyMedia. I hope you find something interesting to you.

I guess model speakers afterwards will share there. I spoke to you this will. Thank you again for having me here. Thank you, Hao, and I think it was very rich and full of insights. For me, it’s at least and of course for our students who are already very happy and reacting to your speech. So I just, I would last. Budászk Ali Reza náut sérít. That it’s going to be a few weeks.

Thank you so much for this opportunity. And first of all, I would like to say hello. Salute! دورويت مرحبا and whatsoever, in different languages that I know. This is exactly what’s up. I learned from what is really important for me. Internationality. So I think it is one of the main points that you can cut from Polymer when you arrive here.

The university can provide you a very good infrastructure. It can be like a platform that makes you different opportunities for whatever you have in your mind. So if you want to continue your journey in academia, in the industry, I don’t know, finding someone like making dirt friendship and so on with and being familiar with different cultures and language and so on. These are all the things that you can find in Polytechnico.

I’m so happy to be here. If I want to explain a little about myself, I would say that my bachelor was in the field of civil engineering. And after that, I got my Master of Science in Polytechnical and thank you when you try something and you find it well, you continue it. So I continued my PhD again. Politécnico.

This is the point that I wanted to explain, so I would make it short. Give the blood for others for the questions from the students because I think it will happen. Any questions yet? Thank you, Alireza. So we noticed that you all have different paz. We’re from Tecnico di Milano, but at the end of the day, you’re sharing the same experience here and that’s. I’m really glad you’re having a great time. Personally and also academically speaking.

So I would just… Go! Um… because we have a lot to say about Politecnico di Milano. And you already mentioned. The locations, Milan, the opportunity that the city gives you the great location. From here, it’s really easy to travel and discover other countries and also the beautiful places of our of our Italy. Of course, from north to south. But it’s also very important hub, also economical and industrial hub. And why I mentioned this because we consider the PhD the beginning of a career. So you might decided to go out. Or to go on with the academic experience work at the university. But we do. Very very strong connections with the companies. The research is also sometimes funded by the companies and students work. In the companies in Italy and abroad.

So the PhD opens you different doors. At the university, in the companies and also to become. Maybe in it and the tip out yourself. Of course, the university is called Politecnico di Milano, but it has also different locations, so different campuses. In other cities. Definitely not part from the LAN. These locations are very strategic. There’s also always a reason why a specific program is offered on a campus because maybe it’s more related to art or maybe to the nature and sustainability and so on. It’s important to know. So when you select the program, it’s important to know where it is. But yeah, the main two campuses are in Milan. And since we’re talking about PhD programs, we need to know that this is a research university. We do research here. The students, the researchers, the professors are really involved in research. We are the first Italian university for projects funded by the Europeans Commission.

To continue we recommend watching the webinar right here:

Start your career with a PhD at Politecnico di Milano!

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