Building Friendships in Ireland | Study in Ireland

Annisa Shuzaini, our Student Ambassador shares her journey of finding friendship while living abroad. From overcoming her introverted nature to embracing diverse cultures, she highlights the invaluable support system her new friends provide. Read her blog to discover how stepping out of her comfort zone has enriched her life in Ireland. Hello, I’m Annisa Shuzaini, … Read more

From Tropical Sunshine to Galway’s Charm | Study in Ireland

Student Ambassador Stephanie Quatre shares her journey from a tropical paradise to the charming city of Galway. In this blog, she explores the cultural adjustments, academic experiences, and personal growth she encountered while transitioning to this vibrant, scenic city. Join her as she delves into the contrasts and highlights that make her adventure unforgettable. From … Read more

Someone Cares | Study in Ireland

Meet our Student Ambassador immersed in the vibrant culture of Ireland, sharing first hand experiences and insights from their journey as a student in this captivating country! And here we are again starting a new year. I have to say that after having concluded the December holiday period, I feel good which surprises me since … Read more