What To Do If Your Employer Is In Breach Of Contract

What To Do If Your Employer Is In Breach Of Contract

“Always read the fine print.” Isn’t that what they say? It’s a vicious, dog-eat-dog business world and, more often than not, it’s the underdog who suffers. However, if that underdog is properly prepared and has a few tricks up their sleeve, the tables could be turned. If you feel as though you’ve been mistreated by … Read more

Millennials & Gen X In The Workplace: Who’s Better?

Millennials & Gen X In The Workplace: Who’s Better?

The workplace is no longer confined to cubicle spaces, hauling morning commutes, and conference rooms. Now, working is shifting from a physical place to a lifestyle. Technology has made this transition possible because we can access people, tools, and live streams globally with the click of our mouse regardless of being at an Italian coffee … Read more

Future Of Work: How Will AI Impact Workplaces?

Future Of Work: How Will AI Impact Workplaces?

When you’re working a full-time job, finding time to enjoy the warm, bright summer weather can be a challenge. This is especially true for young professionals, as many of them are used to having summers off (or, at the very least, having a flexible summer schedule). But there’s no need to feel trapped behind your … Read more