The Asian Student Experience at Cranfield University

As a specialist postgraduate university, Cranfield University’s world-class expertise, large-scale facilities, and unrivalled industry partnerships create global leaders in science, engineering, technology, and management.

To learn more about life at Cranfield, we spoke to Joshua Yepeng Jiang, a student at the university. If you would like to join him and the hundreds of other international students there, join our webinar on 18th June 2024 from 16:00 – 17:00 and learn more about how a Master’s in Agrifood, Environment, Energy, Water, and Design at Cranfield can enhance your career. Register today for free entry.

Cranfield Student Experience

“As I sit here in Kings Norton Library at Cranfield University, I am filled with excitement and fulfilment for the academic adventure I have encountered so far. Studying at Cranfield University has provided me with the opportunity to fully explore my potential and help me gain confidence, and I am eager to share my journey with you all.

“Choosing Cranfield University was not an easy decision for me. Despite its world-class programmes in engineering and research reputation, I was hesitant to make the decision due to the lack of confidence in my ability. But my ambition and dream of making a difference to the world was the reason I decided to take this gamble.

“Studying at Cranfield so far, I realise that it does not matter who you used to be because Cranfield provides so many unique resources like the Cranfield Student Association, the Study Skills Hub and the Career and Employability Service which all enable you to become what you want to be.

“On the first day of studying at Cranfield, I realised how different my life had become. I have been immersed in a truly international and diverse community with confident, spirited, and talented classmates. Without fully understanding what professors had taught in class due to the language barrier, I had to take the time after class to understand lecture slides through Canvas and to improve my language skills.

“Thanks to the interactive and engaging classroom discussions, practical assignments, and hands-on projects, I have had many opportunities to collaborate with peers from various backgrounds, gaining insights and perspectives that have broadened my horizons and enriched my learning experience. The professors and lecturers are not only experts in their respective fields, but they are also enthusiastic about teaching practical skills and mentoring. Being encouraged by the friendly professors and my classmates, I started to feel more confident and believe in my abilities.

“I am grateful for having met so many supportive people and I think they are the most valuable resource that Cranfield has given to me. Even though we are from different nations, we can still feel connected, support each other, and have a laugh together.

“Living at Cranfield, I have gradually mastered a lot of essential skills such as multitasking, time management, and problem solving under stressful situations. I believe the experience and the skills I have gained have not only greatly contributed to my academic performance, but also will contribute to my future career and personal life.

“The journey of studying in a foreign country is particularly challenging especially when you have never used the language before. Balancing coursework, assignments, social life, and personal commitments can be demanding at times. However, as an Asian who often studies in the library at midnight, I never regret my choice for being a Cranfield student.

“If you have decided to make a difference to your life, hold onto your courage and persevere, you can achieve whatever you want in a supportive environment!”

Study at Cranfield

Join our webinar on 18 June 2024 from 16:00 – 17:00 and learn more about how a Master’s in Agrifood, Environment, Energy, Water, and Design at Cranfield can enhance your career. Register today for free entry.

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