The ISA JournalMagic in Marrakesh: Exploring the Jewel of Morocco

Marrakesh, Morocco, is a gateway to another world!

As our plane landed at Marrakesh Menara Airport, we felt a mix of excitement and curiosity. Stepping into the warm Moroccan air, we were eager to start the adventure that awaited us. With our bags in hand, my friends and I navigated through the busy airport, ready to explore the vibrant streets, taste the local cuisine, and experience the unique culture of Marrakesh. It was the beginning of what we knew would be an unforgettable trip.

Our first adventure was a sunset camel ride and dinner excursion in the Agafay Desert. Leaving the city behind, we watched the landscape gradually change to the rocky, expansive desert. Upon arrival, we saw the lovely camels that would take us on our journey. Climbing onto the camels was a bit awkward at first, but once I got, it became more comfortable.

Riding through the desert, I felt the vastness of the surroundings. The sunset was a highlight, casting beautiful colors across the sky and creating a stunning backdrop. After the ride, we arrived at a campsite, where my friends and I were served a traditional Moroccan dinner.

Sitting around the table, we enjoyed the food and the company of our fellow travelers. The atmosphere was relaxed, with Moroccan instrumentalists playing in the background and the warmth of the fire adding to the ambiance. It was a perfect way to end our first day in Marrakesh, giving us a taste of the local culture and hospitality.

The next day, my friends and I explored the Ouzoud Waterfalls. The drive was scenic, with small villages dotting the landscape. Upon reaching the waterfalls, we were greeted by our guide and the beautiful sight of water cascading down the cliffs.

We began our hike down to the base of the falls. The path was a bit steep in places, but the views were worth it! At the bottom, we all felt the mist from the falls cooling us off and enjoyed the natural beauty around us. I also had the opportunity to feed a monkey while it was on top of my head. It was such a fun experience!

On our last day, my friends and I went on a quad bike tour to the Palm Oasis and the Jbilet Desert. The morning started with a safety briefing and a quick quad bike operation lesson. Once we felt comfortable, we set off on our adventure.

Riding through the Palm Oasis and the Jbilet Desert was a unique experience. The towering palm trees provided shade, and we navigated through the sandy paths, taking in the lush scenery around us. The cool breeze and the green palms against the sandy backdrop made for a picturesque ride.

As our journey in Marrakesh came to a close, Marrakesh proved to be a city of vibrant colors, warm hospitality, and boundless opportunities for exploration. The blend of traditional Moroccan culture with the breathtaking natural surroundings provided a perfect end to my study abroad program in Milan, Italy!

حتى المرة القادمة المغرب !

Olajumoke (Jummy) Ademola is a student at The College of New Jersey and an ISA Featured Photo Blogger. She is studying with ISA in Milan, Italy.

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