The‎ Job‎ Seeker’s‎ Guide:‎ Navigating‎ Challenges‎ with‎ Expert‎ Strategies ⋆ Margaret Buj, Interview Coach UK

Job‎ seeking‎ started‎ in‎ the‎ early‎ days‎ of‎ human‎ civilization.‎ And‎ in‎ every‎ era,‎ different‎ means‎ were‎ used‎ to‎ find‎ jobs.‎ For‎ example,‎ in‎ the‎ 1970s,‎ job‎ seekers‎ used‎ to‎ hand‎ out‎ their‎ resumes‎ in‎ person‎ to‎ apply‎ for and‎ find‎ a‎ job.‎ 

Things‎ have‎ completely‎ changed‎ in‎ the‎ current‎ era.‎ With‎ the‎ latest‎ technical‎ advancements,‎ now,‎ you‎ can‎ apply‎ directly‎ to‎ companies’‎ websites,‎ ask‎ for‎ referrals,‎ and‎ use‎ different‎ online‎ platforms,‎ such‎ as‎ LinkedIn,‎ to‎ find‎ a‎ job.‎ 

However,‎ before‎ you‎ start‎ finding‎ and‎ applying‎ for‎ a‎ job,‎ you‎ should‎ keep in mind‎ a‎ few‎ things‎ to‎ increase‎ your‎ chances‎ of‎ getting‎ shortlisted.‎ So,‎ we‎ have‎ discussed‎ a‎ few‎ tips‎ and‎ tricks‎ in‎ detail.‎ Read‎ on‎ this‎ helpful‎ guide‎ to‎ learn!

1.‎ Create‎ a‎ Well-Defined‎ Resume.

The‎ first‎ impression‎ is‎ the‎ last‎ impression.‎ If‎ you‎ believe‎ in‎ this‎ line,‎ you‎ should‎ focus‎ on‎ creating‎ a‎ well-defined‎ resume.‎ A‎ resume‎ is‎ the‎ first‎ thing‎ employers‎ see‎ to‎ know about‎ your‎ skills,‎ experiences,‎ education,‎ etc.‎ ‎ 

Here‎ are‎ the‎ tips‎ for‎ writing‎ a‎ compelling‎ resume:

Avoid‎ using generic‎ resume‎ templates.‎ Analyze‎ each‎ job‎ and‎ skills‎ and‎ experience‎ the‎ employer‎ is‎ looking‎ for.‎ Focus‎ on‎ their‎ requirements‎ and‎ use‎ the‎ keywords‎ they‎ used‎ in‎ the‎ job‎ posting‎ to‎ pass‎ Applicant‎ Tracking‎ Systems‎ (ATS).

Make‎ your‎ resume‎ skimmable and easily readable.‎ It‎ should‎ be‎ easy‎ to‎ read‎ at‎ first‎ glance.‎ To‎ achieve‎ this‎ goal,‎ use‎ bullets,‎ headings,‎ and‎ concise‎ sentences.

Highlight your‎ achievements.‎ Listing‎ just‎ your‎ responsibilities‎ isn’t‎ enough.‎ You‎ should‎ mention‎ your‎ accomplishments‎ via‎ appropriate‎ metrics.‎ Plus,‎ use‎ action‎ verbs‎ to‎ showcase‎ how‎ you‎ contributed‎ in‎ the‎ previous‎ role.‎ 

In‎ addition,‎ include‎ both‎ technical‎ and‎ interpersonal‎ skills‎ relevant‎ to‎ the‎ position‎ you’re‎ applying‎ for.‎ Your‎ resume‎ should‎ be‎ on‎ one‎ page‎ or‎ two‎ pages‎ max.‎ Proofread‎ it‎ to‎ remove‎ any‎ typos‎ or‎ grammar‎ issues.

2.‎ Use‎ Cover‎ Letter‎ to‎ Show‎ Your‎ Genuine‎ Interest.‎ 

A‎ cover‎ letter‎ is‎ a‎ one-page‎ document‎ that‎ you‎ should‎ submit‎ along‎ with‎ the‎ job‎ application.‎ It‎ personalizes‎ your‎ job‎ application‎ and‎ tells‎ the‎ hiring‎ person‎ that‎ you’re‎ genuinely‎ interested‎ in‎ the‎ specific‎ job.‎ 

Mention‎ the‎ hiring‎ manager’s‎ name‎ on‎ the‎ cover‎ letter.‎ It‎ will‎ create‎ a‎ personal‎ bond‎ in‎ advance.‎ To‎ find‎ the‎ name,‎ check‎ the‎ company’s‎ website‎ or‎ call‎ the‎ company.‎ Use‎ a‎ generic‎ salutation‎ like‎ “Dear‎ Hiring‎ Manager”‎ if‎ the‎ name‎ is‎ not‎ found.

Here‎ are‎ the‎ other‎ tips:‎ 

  1. Show‎ your‎ genuine‎ interest‎ in‎ the‎ job‎ and‎ company‎ through‎ your‎ words.
  2. Discuss‎ relevant‎ skills,‎ knowledge,‎ and‎ interests‎ from‎ your‎ previous‎ work‎ experiences.
  3. Mention‎ what‎ you‎ can‎ bring‎ to‎ the‎ role‎ and‎ why‎ you’re‎ the‎ best‎ candidate‎ for‎ it.
  4. Mention‎ your‎ interest‎ in‎ the‎ role‎ again,‎ thank‎ the‎ hiring‎ manager,‎ and‎ hope‎ for‎ a‎ future‎ meeting.

NOTE:‎ When‎ writing‎ a‎ cover‎ letter,‎ you‎ can‎ use‎ a‎ cover‎ letter‎ generator‎ to‎ save‎ time.‎ All‎ you‎ need‎ to‎ do‎ is‎ paste‎ your‎ prompts‎ along‎ with‎ all‎ the‎ relevant‎ details,‎ such‎ as‎ the‎ job‎ position,‎ your‎ experience,‎ your‎ name,‎ the‎ hiring‎ manager’s‎ name,‎ etc.‎ 

Prompt:‎ “I‎ want‎ to‎ write‎ a‎ cover‎ letter‎ for‎ the‎ senior‎ content‎ writer‎ position‎ at‎ Civix‎ Marketing,‎ whose‎ hiring‎ manager‎ is‎ Jerry‎ Peterson.‎ I‎ have‎ 5‎ years‎ of‎ experience‎ in‎ the‎ field.‎ Write‎ an‎ engaging‎ cover‎ letter.”

Here‎ is‎ the‎ cover‎ letter‎ sample‎ we‎ got:‎ 

Once‎ the‎ tool‎ generates‎ the‎ cover‎ letter,‎ proofread‎ it‎ to‎ get‎ rid‎ of‎ any‎ spelling,‎ punctuation,‎ or‎ grammar-related‎ errors.‎ Use‎ an‎ advanced‎ check‎ grammar‎ tool‎ for‎ this‎ purpose.‎ Paste‎ your‎ content,‎ click‎ on‎ the‎ Check‎ Grammar‎ button,‎ and‎ that’s‎ it.

The‎ tool‎ will‎ highlight‎ all‎ the‎ errors‎ in‎ the‎ cover‎ letter.‎ All‎ you‎ need‎ to‎ do‎ is‎ click‎ on‎ each‎ error,‎ go‎ through‎ the‎ suggestions,‎ and‎ choose‎ the‎ most‎ relevant‎ one.‎ 

Here‎ is‎ what‎ the‎ tool’s‎ output‎ looks‎ like:


3.‎ Refine‎ Your‎ Online‎ Presence.

In‎ the‎ current‎ era‎ of‎ information‎ technology,‎ seeking‎ jobs‎ has‎ become‎ very,‎ very‎ easy‎ with‎ the‎ availability‎ of‎ so‎ many‎ job‎ search‎ sites.‎ 

Here‎ is‎ the‎ list‎ of‎ top‎ 10‎ international‎ job‎ search‎ sites:

  • Indeed‎ Worldwide
  • Go Abroad
  • Go‎ Overseas
  • Idealist
  • Career Jet
  • Glassdoor
  • Monster
  • LinkedIn
  • CEO‎ Worldwide
  • USA Jobs

Know‎ what‎ sites‎ are‎ best‎ to‎ use‎ in‎ the‎ country‎ and/or‎ state‎ where‎ you’re‎ applying‎ for‎ the‎ job.‎ Select‎ the‎ platform,‎ create‎ your‎ account‎ on‎ it,‎ and‎ use‎ these‎ tactics‎ to‎ refine‎ your‎ online‎ presence:‎ 

  1. Showcase‎ your‎ skills,‎ experience,‎ and‎ professional‎ network.‎ 
  2. Keep‎ applying‎ for‎ the‎ job‎ regularly.
  3. Reply‎ to‎ all‎ the‎ companies‎ and‎ people‎ who‎ connect‎ to‎ you‎ for‎ the‎ job.‎ 

Other‎ than‎ that,‎ create‎ your‎ personal‎ website‎ to‎ further‎ showcase‎ your‎ work‎ portfolio,‎ skills,‎ and‎ accomplishments.‎ You‎ can‎ link‎ this‎ website‎ to‎ your‎ resume‎ or‎ to‎ the‎ other‎ job-seeking‎ platforms‎ we‎ mentioned‎ above.‎ 

4.‎ Develop‎ Some‎ Solid‎ Interview‎ Skills.

Securing‎ an‎ interview?‎ You‎ got‎ your‎ first‎ achievement.‎ Hold‎ on!‎ The‎ real‎ challenge‎ is‎ still‎ on‎ the‎ way,‎ and‎ it‎ is‎ the‎ interview.‎ Do‎ the‎ following‎ things‎ to‎ prepare‎ for‎ the‎ interview‎ and‎ make‎ a‎ lasting‎ impression:

Know‎ about‎ the‎ company.‎ Research‎ the‎ company’s‎ background,‎ what‎ they‎ are‎ working‎ for,‎ and‎ recent‎ projects.‎ In‎ the‎ interview,‎ talk‎ about‎ their‎ current‎ projects‎ and‎ tell‎ how‎ you‎ can‎ fit‎ in.‎ 

Practice‎ common‎ questions.‎ Find‎ out‎ the‎ most‎ common‎ questions‎ interviewers‎ ask‎ for‎ the‎ job‎ role‎ you’re‎ applying‎ for.‎ Practice‎ those‎ questions‎ as‎ you’re‎ being‎ asked‎ in‎ the‎ interview.‎ This‎ will‎ boost‎ your‎ confidence.‎ 

Dress‎ as‎ per‎ the‎ company’s‎ values‎ and‎ culture.‎ First‎ impressions‎ matter.‎ Therefore,‎ we‎ suggest‎ you‎ put‎ on‎ neat‎ and‎ clean‎ attire‎ that‎ reflects‎ professionalism.

Ensure‎ proper‎ non-verbal‎ communication.‎ Maintain‎ good‎ eye‎ contact,‎ confident‎ body‎ language,‎ and‎ a‎ positive‎ attitude‎ throughout‎ the‎ interview.‎ 


First‎ of‎ all,‎ write‎ a‎ clear‎ and‎ concise‎ resume‎ that‎ highlights‎ your‎ skills‎ and‎ previous‎ experiences.‎ Customize‎ it‎ for‎ each‎ job‎ you‎ apply‎ for.‎ Then,‎ write‎ a‎ personalized‎ cover‎ letter‎ that‎ showcases‎ your‎ genuine‎ interest‎ in‎ the‎ position.‎ 

Utilize‎ online‎ job‎ search‎ platforms‎ like‎ LinkedIn‎ and‎ Indeed‎ and‎ regularly‎ apply‎ to‎ relevant‎ job‎ openings.‎ Research‎ the‎ company‎ and‎ practice‎ the‎ commonly‎ asked‎ questions‎ for‎ your‎ job‎ type‎ to‎ prepare‎ for‎ the‎ interview.



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