The most difficult thing about unemployment in tech

I think its been about 3 years now where the tech industry was flipped upside down. Even if you were not personally affected, you or someone you know probably know people who’ve gotten laid off or have friends whose been “long unemployed” (over 1 year). I personally think on top of all the stress, career stagnation, the demoralizing interviews process and volume of jobs you have to apply for and the rejection over and over and waste of time getting nowhere, one of the most difficult things i think no one really talks about is the loneliness.

Theres data that suggest people who work in information sector otherwise known as tech only account for about 4% of the overall economy. And lets say most are employed but theres still a sizable percentage of people who are not at this point and have been seeking work unsuccessfully for over a year. This pocket who works in tech but long unemployed although may be a sizable number only accounts for less than 1% of the workforce and is such a niche situation that almost no one understands your situation.

It has thoroughly shocked me how people treat unemployed people and victim blame them through little fault of their own. Despite submitting hundreds or thousands of job applications, trying to network, changing your resume multiple times and getting outside help, getting new certifications and trying to equip yourself with new skills constantly, you still are getting no success due to the tech job market and people just think you are lazy and not trying, or you are doing something wrong. Or its somehow your fault in one way or another. People keep saying “why dont you at least get a part time job or something to get by” but don’t realize most of these places consider you too overqualified and a flight risk and will leave as soon as you find the “right job” and wont even talk to you or consider hiring you. And switching fields means you have to spend more money you might have to get education/license and whatever required. You are constantly gaslit by the entirety of society into thinking its your fault due to the fact that this is such a niche situation being unemployed in tech that almost no one else understands the situation at all. Even a couple years ago people who were in tech who are actively employed also were arrogant narcisists who have the mentality “i’ve never not had a job over 20 years, so why do you?” and pointing to you being the one at fault despite them not having to look for work for years and not knowing about the current job market. Anyways, just here for my rant and hope other people in this situation can feel that they are not alone and help you keep pushing forward.

submitted by /u/BuyHigh_S3llLow
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