Are you currently considering making a mid-career switch? If you are, you should determine how much you want as your starting salary. Since you have many skills you can use from your previous job to your new job, fighting for higher pay is expected. However, if the pay you are being offered is different from your expectations, you may be considering negotiating for the amount.
Certain things you should refrain from saying may affect your chances of securing your ideal salary when negotiating your salary. Below are some examples of these words and why you should keep them private.
The Amount Needs To Be Higher
When companies and businesses offer starting salaries, they make sure that they match the applicant’s credentials or level of expertise. If you mention that the pay is too low, you may be surprised to find out your true value when the recruiter presents the actual salary trends for the position you are applying for.
If you still want to negotiate for a higher fee, you can change the flow of the discussions by asking if you can discuss the amount further and what you can offer to warrant your target pay.
I Need The Funds Because
It is not uncommon for many to consider their family and other financial obligations when they negotiate salary, especially during a mid-career switch. However, if you say that you are after higher pay because of these obligations, you will look desperate in the eyes of recruiters. As mentioned above, your salary is determined by your work experience and skills.
When negotiating for higher pay, you should focus on the benefits that will be included in the salary package instead of why you are asking for higher pay.
Do The Salary Increase After A Year?
While it is understandable that you would want to know if your salary will increase over time, this question will make you look naive. It is a given that there will be salary changes after a year or two if you show good performance throughout the period. Since this isn’t your first foray into working, you should know this tidbit well without people telling you.
If you want to ask more about the pay scale, ask how your performance will be quantified based on the criteria they will use.
Don’t let the salary define you when choosing a specific company or business to make your mid-career shift. Remember, you should also consider the nature of the job and if it is something you enjoy. If you want to be reassured that your pay will match your new career, research and ask the right questions, not make it evident that you are concerned about your salary. As you work into your new job, your performance will handle the rest and get you that salary you have been looking for.
For relevant articles, I’m sure you will find these helpful:
Pros and Cons of Salary Transparency
Should You Discuss Your Salary with Your Coworkers
5 Indications that You Need To Get A Higher Salary
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