Why do I keep getting reported for this?

I’m at my wits end right now with my job. This is going to sound so stupid. And it’s long. Cross posted. This is my first corporate 9-5 job. I am twenty two and I work front desk for a hospital, in their primary/specialty clinics that they own. I am a part time float, so I work in multiple clinics whenever someone calls in or is on vacation or if they need the extra help.

When I first started my job in July 2023, I never received a dress code violation until February. They never went over the dress code during orientation. I would wear high waist mom jeans with a shirt that would hit my belt where my waist was, and a long cardigan. Higher management informed me by email that there were complaints from multiple clinics about my shirts not being below my waist. Okay, that’s fair won’t do it again. All of my shirts from that point on have been worn below my waist tucked into a belt.

Today I received another email informing me that my shirts are inappropriate because they’re above my waist. I am being so honest when I say this, my shirts have not been at or above my waist since the first time they informed me, my attire has always been below my waist, even when I bend down or am reaching high! I always tuck my shirts into my pants. I’m not the only one that does this either.

I responded politely, asking them if they could provide me with dates of when these violations occurred, because I haven’t worn shorter shirts since the first time they informed me. Management said that they don’t have any dates and that it was brought up during a meeting.

In November, I was written up for accusations I don’t even do. Apparently, multiple clinics claim that I leave during my shift and go sit in my car for 30 minutes multiple times a day. Apparently I don’t answer phone calls. Apparently I’m on my phone scrolling through social media. Apparently I have an attitude. I guess I do not route faxes. I guess I just sit there twiddle my freaking thumbs all day. I don’t do this!!! I don’t know where they’re getting this from. I show up on time every day that I’m scheduled. I’ve only called in once because I had a fever.

I don’t know why this keeps on happening, I work my ass off for them and I do a great job. I am always kind to patients, I go above and beyond for the patients and my coworkers, I take phone calls efficiently, I’m efficient in fax queues, I’m cross trained on two check-in platforms. People tell me that they couldn’t imagine doing my job since I work at over a dozen different clinics. I’ve been told I take initiative and am proficient at my job. So many people I work alongside have told me this, because sometimes I feel like I’m not doing enough, lol. I receive compliments from patients as well as coworkers; telling me that I’m sweet, that I brighten their day, that I’m a beautiful person, have a beautiful aura, etc. I clock into work with a positive outlook and I carry it through the day. I’m not trying to toot my own horn but I am just really tired of getting reported. I don’t know what their problem is and I don’t know what to do, because other than this I really love my job. I will say that some of the clinical staff are rude to me/floats in general, as we will have to ask questions periodically.

submitted by /u/Spiritual_Welcome495
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